Relaxing, waiting for the New Year. Not much choice as I am partly deaf due to a sinus infection.
This is the time of year when the media review the past year and make predictions for the new. In addition, we get a decade review and projections of what will happen in the next ten years.
My 2009:
Started off terrible. I was in the middle of a battle with my employer to resolve my "duty to accommodate" request, which came close to becoming a grievance. I lost six months of pay due to extreme fatigue, caused by the aggravation of my MS. I wasn't sure if I could go on. I wanted to quit working only to have it over and done. My employer refused to acknowledge my MS. They picked on one tiny part of a Health Canada report to insist that I MUST seek psychiatric treatment before they would even consider accommodating me. I'm telling you, there were times I felt like I was in the 1950's Soviet Union. Nothing is more evil than the person who smiles at you and then proceeds to try and destroy you.
Please, Please, if you are not trained in medicine or psychology don't try and impose your half baked ideas about therapy and drugs on someone. And if you no nothing about an illness; either educate yourself or shut up!!
Fortunately, providence rescued me in the form of a court case that ruled in favour of another woman who was going through similar hell. The attitude of my employer at the time was to impose accommodation rather than accommodate. There is a big difference. I don't know why they had that attitude and I don't care. I'm just glad that a judge had enough brains to review policy and give them all a legal slap!
Even after I received my accomodation it was a tug of war. This one person just couldn't stand being bested, even though allowing me to work at home was the right thing to do.
Then in the summer something strange (but good) happened. I made peace with a relative. End result of that is I came into some unexpected money, which I used to fix up my dilapidated house.
What I want to say is things can get better. You must hang in there. We all of us go through trying times and things can look bleak but we must not lose hope.
When things are better, remember the bad times but don't dwell on them. Use them as a lesson and savour the good. Oh ain't I the little philosopher!
I want to say Thank You to the following :
My Son. Kid, without you I don't know how I would have made it. You're awesome.
My Dad. Thanks for accepting my wanting to make peace. Oh and thanks for the money too. My house feels more like a home now.
Mom Thanks for the cross and your blessings. Keep praying. I think it works.
Frank. You kept telling me things would get better and they did. Your positive attitude was and is a tonic. You're one interesting guy.
Cathy, The Debbies, Joanne and Marta. You helped me out and prevented my cracking up. Thanks girls.
Postcards. Yeah my hobby was a good distraction from all my misery. Love ya, postcard pals.
The beautiful nature trails of Hamilton. Those walks restore my soul.
The birds in my backyard. Even though I spend too much time daydreaming when I watch you from my office window. Yeah even you crazy woodpecker!!
Dr. Paulseth. For being such a calm, cool, collected, doctor. You assured me I wasn't nuts when others were trying so hard to make me feel that I was.
Oh and thanks to all the bloggers out there who helped me unravel the crazy mystery of MS. Your advice,your stories, are an inspiration.
Here's looking to a truly Happy 2010 for all of us.
Kamis, 31 Desember 2009
Rabu, 30 Desember 2009
Not Even 1% Fun
The old expression about traveling "getting there is half the fun". If ever there was anything so far removed from the truth, it is that statement.
I decided to go away for Christmas. I never said before, but my son has been away doing volunteer work for the past three months. There is also lots of feuding in my family. Had a lovely time visiting friends in the South West of the U.S. Had a delicious traditional Mexican Christmas meal.
The day after I arrived the failed bomb plot occurred. Yeah you know the one. The guy paid cash for a one way ticket to the U.S., his only luggage being explosives stuffed in his crotch. His father had warned authorities about his radical beliefs, he was on a watch list etc. etc. A dozen red flags.
My nice trip marred by 24/7 reporting of new airport security. There I was, already so tired from my trip down; that I couldn't even imagine what further annoyances could be put in place to make air travel even more irritating.
Every trip the flying experience gets worse. There is no communication between the various entities that are needed to get me and my fellow passengers off the ground. Every airport has their own rules, which seem to change with every flight.
All the billions spent on warfare, on intelligence, on security, yet still these evil fanatics can figure out ways to terrorize us. The only reason we got lucky this time is due to the fact that this nut was inept. Yeah lucky us.
So there I was getting ready to come back home. Glad that I only had a suitcase and my purse to take with me, albeit a very large purse. The media had said that no carry on bags would be permitted. Then the story changed to only one piece of carry on luggage. You would not be allowed to have anything in your lap, you would not be allowed to get up from your seat one hour before landing(great news for the incontinent) No liquids of any kind would be permitted. There would be thorough body searches.
I packed my bag, thought twice about having a small bottle of hand sanitizer and my lip gloss on me. Decided to go ahead and include them as these items are not sold in any airports. You can buy booze, cigarettes, perfume, fancy bags, and overpriced souvenirs, yet the only lip balm I have ever seen in an airport is the cheap, waxy, medicinal brand. Oh yeah you can also buy $4.00 bottles of water because you can't bring your own eco friendly water bottle with you.
Forget about me hiding this stuff in my panties. For some reason I am always the one who gets the pat down and the wand treatment when I go through security. I also get the third degree from immigration: Why am I visiting the U.S.? Who am I visiting? Where do I know these people from? What is their address? How long am I staying? (Hey you yelled at me to see my itinerary, check it out) Yeah, they shake down old ladies and let the bad guys sail through. And why don't the airports have any hand sanitizer? Everywhere you go now malls, offices, there are huge courtesy bottles of it, yet not at the airports.
Things went very smoothly at the El Paso airport. They had the same vigorous security in place, only this time I went through with no body search. Carry on bags? People had the usual ton of stuff. They did pull random people from the line to search them prior to boarding. That was the only difference I saw. Procedures on the airplane were the same as always. There were no restrictions on moving about the cabin at anytime, except when the seat belt sign was on. You could use your laptop, snooze with a blanket, and use the bathroom as much as you wanted.
At Houston I can't say what new measures they had in place, as I was already cleared and was just passing through for my connecting flight.
I can't say what security would work to keep us safe. Yes it's true that if a person has evil on their mind they will figure out a way, however, this time we really were asleep at the wheel.
I don't mind the delay for extra security. I appreciate that they are trying to keep us safe. I am baffled that in this so called information age, a bungler like this guy, who did a dozen suspicious things, could get on a plane and try to blow it up.
Air travel is already so difficult what with flight delays, unannounced gate changes, missed connecting flights, bad expensive food, gross bathrooms, crying babies, and lines, constant waiting in lines.
Instead of hassling innocent travelers, let's by all means have effective security.
Oh yeah and I had to pay $20 to check my bag!
I decided to go away for Christmas. I never said before, but my son has been away doing volunteer work for the past three months. There is also lots of feuding in my family. Had a lovely time visiting friends in the South West of the U.S. Had a delicious traditional Mexican Christmas meal.
The day after I arrived the failed bomb plot occurred. Yeah you know the one. The guy paid cash for a one way ticket to the U.S., his only luggage being explosives stuffed in his crotch. His father had warned authorities about his radical beliefs, he was on a watch list etc. etc. A dozen red flags.
My nice trip marred by 24/7 reporting of new airport security. There I was, already so tired from my trip down; that I couldn't even imagine what further annoyances could be put in place to make air travel even more irritating.
Every trip the flying experience gets worse. There is no communication between the various entities that are needed to get me and my fellow passengers off the ground. Every airport has their own rules, which seem to change with every flight.
All the billions spent on warfare, on intelligence, on security, yet still these evil fanatics can figure out ways to terrorize us. The only reason we got lucky this time is due to the fact that this nut was inept. Yeah lucky us.
So there I was getting ready to come back home. Glad that I only had a suitcase and my purse to take with me, albeit a very large purse. The media had said that no carry on bags would be permitted. Then the story changed to only one piece of carry on luggage. You would not be allowed to have anything in your lap, you would not be allowed to get up from your seat one hour before landing(great news for the incontinent) No liquids of any kind would be permitted. There would be thorough body searches.
I packed my bag, thought twice about having a small bottle of hand sanitizer and my lip gloss on me. Decided to go ahead and include them as these items are not sold in any airports. You can buy booze, cigarettes, perfume, fancy bags, and overpriced souvenirs, yet the only lip balm I have ever seen in an airport is the cheap, waxy, medicinal brand. Oh yeah you can also buy $4.00 bottles of water because you can't bring your own eco friendly water bottle with you.
Forget about me hiding this stuff in my panties. For some reason I am always the one who gets the pat down and the wand treatment when I go through security. I also get the third degree from immigration: Why am I visiting the U.S.? Who am I visiting? Where do I know these people from? What is their address? How long am I staying? (Hey you yelled at me to see my itinerary, check it out) Yeah, they shake down old ladies and let the bad guys sail through. And why don't the airports have any hand sanitizer? Everywhere you go now malls, offices, there are huge courtesy bottles of it, yet not at the airports.
Things went very smoothly at the El Paso airport. They had the same vigorous security in place, only this time I went through with no body search. Carry on bags? People had the usual ton of stuff. They did pull random people from the line to search them prior to boarding. That was the only difference I saw. Procedures on the airplane were the same as always. There were no restrictions on moving about the cabin at anytime, except when the seat belt sign was on. You could use your laptop, snooze with a blanket, and use the bathroom as much as you wanted.
At Houston I can't say what new measures they had in place, as I was already cleared and was just passing through for my connecting flight.
I can't say what security would work to keep us safe. Yes it's true that if a person has evil on their mind they will figure out a way, however, this time we really were asleep at the wheel.
I don't mind the delay for extra security. I appreciate that they are trying to keep us safe. I am baffled that in this so called information age, a bungler like this guy, who did a dozen suspicious things, could get on a plane and try to blow it up.
Air travel is already so difficult what with flight delays, unannounced gate changes, missed connecting flights, bad expensive food, gross bathrooms, crying babies, and lines, constant waiting in lines.
Instead of hassling innocent travelers, let's by all means have effective security.
Oh yeah and I had to pay $20 to check my bag!
Selasa, 29 Desember 2009
A Strange Sort Of Holiday
Senin, 28 Desember 2009
Copaxone Price Shock

Presently, I cannot complain with how much I pay for prescription medication, but it is just a matter of time I will have huge out of pocket deductibles for my medications. I am fortunate to have the benefit of getting most of my prescriptions filled at a Military base pharmacy at no charge. However, I noticed prescriptions I take are slowly being phased out and I have no choice but to go to an outside pharmacy. In the past my co-pays use to be $3.00 generic and $9.00 brand. My co-pays are now $3.00 for a generic, $9.00 for a brand formula drug and $22.00 for a brand non-formula drug. If you are thinking most of my drugs are now brand non-formula...ding ding you are correct!
I made a conscious decision to not become dependent on the many drugs MS'ers are prescribed for every nuisance the disease bring our way. Yes, my neurologist did not like me taking most of my drugs as needed. My rationale to her dislike is...I am the one living with MS and I know my body better than anyone. I am not trying to play doctor, but I do know that I feel a lot better taking medication as I need it than taking it every day when the MS symptom or symptoms are no longer present.
However, Health Care Reform is definitely needed in America. Although, IMO what is being called Health Care Reform is a bunch of BS...KO eloquently tells you WHY! Washington needs to stop the RAPE of American citizens from the fraud and abuse of the Health Care and Big Pharma Industry...AND Washington needs to stop the BS political games at our expense! We are being raped with higher deductibles and co-pays because of the bullshit I just discovered. It is a damn shame how one pharmacy chain can charge almost twice as much for Copaxone and not be held accountable to WHY they are charging more than another reputable pharmacy chain.
Case and point, for years I have been filling my Copaxone prescription at the grocery chain Kroger Pharmacy, until December of 2008, I decided to have my Copaxone filled at Walgreens. Now I know how Walgreens can afford to have a pharmacy on every corner in about every state. I always assumed my insurance was paying Walgreens the same as they did Kroger after my co-pay until today. Express Scripts never sent me an Explanation of Benefits before today. They were not doing me any favors, what they were doing was soliciting me to mail order my Cymbalta through them; Which I plan to do because I can receive three months supply for $22.00 a month. Duh, who would not want to save $44.00? The SHOCK on the EOB was the amount TRICARE was paying Walgreens after my co-pay; I thought it had to be some sort of mistake. Therefore I went and pulled my 2008 prescription profile to see if Copaxone had a 100% price increase.
I discovered in November 2008, after paying my $9.00 co-pay at Kroger's for my Copaxone, my insurance paid them $1,783.00, which was an increased from 1,666.97 three months prior. However, in December 2008, I discovered after paying my $9.00 co-pay at Walgreens for my Copaxone, my insurance paid Walgreens $2,806.00 that is a freaking $1,023.00 difference. ..WTF!
Here is the industry BS according the EOB from Express Script I received today. Walgreens submitted a bill of $3,005.51 for my Copaxone, my insurance allowed amount is $2,562.19, I paid my $9.00 co-pay and TRICARE paid Walgreens $2,554.53. That amount is still MORE than what Kroger charges. Walgreens is pricing their drugs pass the allowable amount, knowing they will get paid the maximum amount allowed by my insurance...I have a bridge to sell you if you do not think the system is broken! It does not take a rocket scientist to see what the eff is going on with the industry.
Hell, its just a matter of time I will be paying for this fraud and abuse. It does not make any freaking sense how one monthly disease modifying drug cost $30,746.28 a that rate a cure will never be found. TRICARE should have never paid Walgreens that much money. TRICARE would have been more cost efficient and proactive in their efforts of informing ME the drug I depend on daily to slow the progression of my MS cost them $21,396 a year at Kroger Pharmacy.
TRICARE listen up, I am going to save you $9,350.28 a year...I am switching my Copaxone prescription BACK to Kroger Pharmacy. How about a THANK YOU!
Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009
Merry Belated Christmas
I'm out and about. Updates after the holiday. Hope you are all having a good one
Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

To all:
My Christmas wish for you, my friend
Is not a simple one
For I wish you hope and joy and peace,
Days filled with warmth and sun.
I wish you love and friendship too,
Throughout the coming year.
Lots of laughter and happiness,
To fill your world with cheer.
May you count your blessings, one by one and when totaled by the lot, May you find all you've been given, To be more than what you sought.
May your journeys be short, your burdens light May your spirit never grow old, May all your clouds have silver linings, And your rainbows pots of gold.
I wish this all and so much more,
May all your dreams come true,
May you have a Merry Christmas friend
And a happy New Year, too.
Selasa, 22 Desember 2009
Blogging Around
Really don't feel much like blogging myself so I've been checking out other blogs leaving the odd comment here and there. Wish I had the energy to take on a few more blogs, as there are lots of good ones. May as well face it. I simply don't have the energy to do that much reading. Sorry if you have a new blog I just can't take on anymore right now.
Watched the movie "49th Parallel" 1949 last night. Lots of stereotypes about Canada. Complimentary, but stereotypes none the less. The story is about a group of Nazi officers stranded on Hudson's Bay after there U Boat is sunk by the Canadian Air Force. So who is the first Canadian they encounter? A French fur trapper played by Laurence Olivier!! I won't give away the story, but recommend it just to see the old Canada. The one I grew up in. Oh now I sound like an old fogey.
I have this feeling that Canada is not held in as high regard anymore, what with our stupidity at the climate talks and our involvement in Afghanistan( No I don't call it a war, cus it ain't) We aren't the clean living peace niks we use to be. Which is a shame.
Watched the movie "49th Parallel" 1949 last night. Lots of stereotypes about Canada. Complimentary, but stereotypes none the less. The story is about a group of Nazi officers stranded on Hudson's Bay after there U Boat is sunk by the Canadian Air Force. So who is the first Canadian they encounter? A French fur trapper played by Laurence Olivier!! I won't give away the story, but recommend it just to see the old Canada. The one I grew up in. Oh now I sound like an old fogey.
I have this feeling that Canada is not held in as high regard anymore, what with our stupidity at the climate talks and our involvement in Afghanistan( No I don't call it a war, cus it ain't) We aren't the clean living peace niks we use to be. Which is a shame.
Minggu, 20 Desember 2009
2010 National MS Society Scholarship

Sorry I am late posting the National MS Society scholarship information this year. Fortunately, you still have 3 weeks to get it done for yourself, graduating son or daughter...deadline is January 15, 2010.
• Who is eligible?
o High school seniors who have a parent with MS who will be attending an accredited postsecondary school for the first time.
o High school seniors who have MS and will be attending an accredited postsecondary school for the first time.
o High school (or GED) graduates of any age who have MS and who will be attending an accredited postsecondary school for the first time.
o High school (or GED) graduates of any age who have a parent with MS and who will be attending an accredited postsecondary school for the first time.
o Applicants must be United States citizens or legal residents living in the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam or any other U.S. territory and plan to enroll in an undergraduate course of study at an accredited two-or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school located in the U.S., PR, VI, Guam or any other U.S. territory. Applicants must be enrolled in at least six credit hours per semester in course work leading to a degree, license, or certificate.
Click HERE for application and process
The Big Clean Up
Finally the work is done, the contractors gone, and my house is in order. Everything is looking good. I'm amazed at how much warmer and quieter it is inside thanks to the new windows. No more drafts!
Haven't been feeling to bad except for the cursed fatigue.
I am unhappy with a couple of fair weather friends, no, more like bad weather friends.I was annoyed with one of them who went away this week to spend the holidays out west. When I said give me a call before you leave9 I wanted to say Merry Christmas have a safe trip) she said "Oh she would be too busy" but not so busy that she managed to send me stupid email jokes that evening. Yeah OK lady I'll remember that in the New Year when you call me up to keep me on the phone for two hours complaining about your boyfriend. And yeah I hope you are reading this. Having friends means making time for them and not just when it' convenient for you.
Straightening up the house and getting ready for the holidays has left me with little energy for anything else, so the old blog has been neglected. To be honest I'm not even sure if I want to carry on with a blog. I feel like I've said pretty much everything I can about MS and prattling on about my life doesn't seem to be worth the time and energy involved. We'll see. Maybe I'm over tired.
Haven't been feeling to bad except for the cursed fatigue.
I am unhappy with a couple of fair weather friends, no, more like bad weather friends.I was annoyed with one of them who went away this week to spend the holidays out west. When I said give me a call before you leave9 I wanted to say Merry Christmas have a safe trip) she said "Oh she would be too busy" but not so busy that she managed to send me stupid email jokes that evening. Yeah OK lady I'll remember that in the New Year when you call me up to keep me on the phone for two hours complaining about your boyfriend. And yeah I hope you are reading this. Having friends means making time for them and not just when it' convenient for you.
Straightening up the house and getting ready for the holidays has left me with little energy for anything else, so the old blog has been neglected. To be honest I'm not even sure if I want to carry on with a blog. I feel like I've said pretty much everything I can about MS and prattling on about my life doesn't seem to be worth the time and energy involved. We'll see. Maybe I'm over tired.
Jumat, 18 Desember 2009
Canada You Have A Choice !!
Senin, 14 Desember 2009
MS Is Everywhere
Day one of the window install. Somehow a general conversation about taxes evolved into a discussion about MS. Don't remember exactly what we were talking about when the window guy mentioned his wife has progressive MS and is in a wheel chair. I felt myself freeze for a couple of seconds. I don't know why it is that every person I meet who has MS or has a loved one with MS, it's the progressive type.
At least I will be able to help this guy, as he and his wife are not claiming all that they can on their taxes for disability. I'm not allowed to give specific advice but I can at least point them in the right direction. They are losing out and why should they? AND why isn't anybody telling them this stuff???
So now I have decided that my next volunteer work will be to advise anyone with a disability, chronic condition, syndrome, on how to legally maximize their tax claims.
I may have to wait till I retire as I'm not certain if i would be permitted to do this by my employer, even though I wouldn't charge for it. They are very picky about what I can do outside of work and rightly so. Too many kooks in the past giving out free advice that was in fact rubbish. The media is always quick to pounce on Revenue when they screw up. Funny they never scrutinized the banks in the same way. We might have been able to avoid this massive credit crunch.
Yeah we all hate taxes. What kind of a world would it be though if we didn't have them? People always say they don't want the government in their face, yet they don't seem to mind money grubbing corporations doing it.
At least I will be able to help this guy, as he and his wife are not claiming all that they can on their taxes for disability. I'm not allowed to give specific advice but I can at least point them in the right direction. They are losing out and why should they? AND why isn't anybody telling them this stuff???
So now I have decided that my next volunteer work will be to advise anyone with a disability, chronic condition, syndrome, on how to legally maximize their tax claims.
I may have to wait till I retire as I'm not certain if i would be permitted to do this by my employer, even though I wouldn't charge for it. They are very picky about what I can do outside of work and rightly so. Too many kooks in the past giving out free advice that was in fact rubbish. The media is always quick to pounce on Revenue when they screw up. Funny they never scrutinized the banks in the same way. We might have been able to avoid this massive credit crunch.
Yeah we all hate taxes. What kind of a world would it be though if we didn't have them? People always say they don't want the government in their face, yet they don't seem to mind money grubbing corporations doing it.
Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009
Marie Claire Should Have Thought Twice About Running This MS Story...

I was sent an email to read and give my opinion as a blog post on the following article, "I Had an Unthinkable Disease...And Made Myself Better" written by Kate Milliken, as told to Abigail Pesta, that appeared in Marie Claire January 2010 magazine.
Yes, my story is controversial. People worry that I'll spread false hope. Once, a woman who had suffered from MS for 30 years said to me from her wheelchair, "Don't tell me to put a Post-it note on my mirror—give me a break." Some say maybe I never had MS to begin with. All I know is that the doctors diagnosed it, and I have the before-and-after MRI scans to prove that a lesion had come and gone.
I continue to take the injections, along with a few vitamins.
First let me say, YES! Her story is controversial. It is also irresponsible of Marie Claire to publish the article of person who was diagnosis with MS and twelve months later they are claiming to no longer have signs of MS lesions. The storyteller did not say if she had her MRI's with and without contrast. There is a chance of having an MRI without contrast that will not show lesions clearly that is why when given an MRI it is best to have it with contrast so there will be no dispute of the reading.
I have an issue with the story teller stating in the article, "A day after my scan, I met with one of my doctors at Mt. Sinai, Dr. Stephen Krieger. His words floored me: No new lesions. As for the lesion that had caused all my problems? It had "faded significantly," he said.
"Is it smaller?" I asked him.
"It's actually so faint, the radiologist didn't recognize it," he said. "That's as good as it gets."
I have to believe she was given an MRI without contrast. It is irresponsible to claim she no longer have MS lesions. If she no longer has lesions or symptoms of MS, why continue to take daily Copaxone injections, one of the drugs that slow down the progression of MS. You either have MS or you do not, as far as I know, as of today there is no known cure for MS.
I am happy for her that she is no longer having an MS exacerbation. There is nothing wrong with positive thinking and adjusting your lifestyle to live with an unthinkable disease, but is wrong and irresponsible to claim to no longer have MS lesions because of holistic treatment, but your still taking a daily disease modifying drug injection.
What are your thoughts?
Jumat, 11 Desember 2009
Eternally Dripping Sinus
Yes a very elegant topic tonight. My dripping left sinus, which has been that way now for about two years. Today I had a rotten headache from it and the sensation that every time I breathed the air was shooting up straight into my brain.
My feet are driving me crazy too Amazing how many different kinds of pain in them. Sharp, that feels like an electric knife, dull pulsing, prickly, stabbing, burning. Even more fun when I have two, three, types happening at once
At least my Christmas shopping is done !
My feet are driving me crazy too Amazing how many different kinds of pain in them. Sharp, that feels like an electric knife, dull pulsing, prickly, stabbing, burning. Even more fun when I have two, three, types happening at once
At least my Christmas shopping is done !
Kamis, 10 Desember 2009
Soldier of Love
It has been 10 long years and I resigned to the fact she was not going to release any new music, as far as I am concern her music is classic and I enjoy listening to it often. However, I am ecstatic SADE is BACK! Here is a single released from her upcoming new CD in stores February 2010.
Winter is Here !!
Feels like -20C out there with the wind chill And Oh what a chilly wind!It felt like a hurricane when I went out this afternoon. I could barely walk. It burned the skin on my face and now I have two big red patches underneath my eyes. It's still howling out there now.
I feel like a wreck. Thank goodness for the old movie channel because I sure don't feel like doing much. Right now I'm cooking chili and watching "Odds Against Tomorrow" starring Harry Belafonte as a small time crook who joins up with two white guys to rob a bank. Interesting racial tensions, greed overcoming any prejudice.
I was watching the birds outside today and wondering how they manage in this cold.
I feel like a wreck. Thank goodness for the old movie channel because I sure don't feel like doing much. Right now I'm cooking chili and watching "Odds Against Tomorrow" starring Harry Belafonte as a small time crook who joins up with two white guys to rob a bank. Interesting racial tensions, greed overcoming any prejudice.
I was watching the birds outside today and wondering how they manage in this cold.
Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

I'm embarrassed that Canada has been described as the "ant at the picnic" at the Copenhagen climate summit.
Polar bears are eating their young due to starvation. The Russians are booking commercial ships for the North East Passage, offering free ice breakers, so confident are they that the arctic sea will remain free of ice. In spite of this our Prime Minister, rejects calls for controls on the Tar Sands saying it is important for jobs and the Canadian economy. I guess when we are all under water we will finally get it That climate change is here.
We have to stop kidding ourselves that an ever expanding economy is sustainable.
That we can just keep on sucking commodities out of the ground to make a bunch of junk that we don't need.
Get out of your car, go for a walk, quit hanging around malls buying cheap plastic stuff, stop drinking bottled water, and start looking for energy alternatives.
Senin, 07 Desember 2009
Attack of The Woodpeckers
Help ! The woodpeckers are attacking ! I heard what sounded like someone banging on my kitchen window. It was a woodpecker who managed to grab hold of the screen and was tapping away. Must have been some juicy bugs that attracted him. In fact my whole yard must be bug filled since the woodpeckers like hanging out there. Oh! can they ever make a racket too. Add to that the sparrow clan that chatters away in my front yard bushes and it's quite noisy, but noisy in a good way. The sounds of nature I enjoy. The sound of my neighbours unhappy yelping dogs not at all. Ah the joys of working at home. Am I complaining? No way ! Even the worst day at home is better than the best day in the office. I find I still get very tired during the day.Now at least I can take a break when I really need one and not at some mandated time. I never find the office coffee break therapeutic. Too many people, too much going on.
Had some good news. The windows will be installed next Monday. Looks like Santa is bringing me an early Christmas gift.
Some advice if you are thinking of buying a home. Unless you are really handy and really healthy, don't buy an old house. Sure they have their charms and new houses have problems too.I am learning the hard( read: expensive)way that an old house can be a real money pit if you have to pay people to fix it for you. The good old days when I could do most of it myself( yeah I was MS fix it) are long gone and now it costs me a fortune to get things done.
I was a little sad today thinking how useless I am now, at least when it comes to things like that. A total weakling. House repairs were actually fun for me. I had a real sense of accomplishment when I completed a job. Ah! may as well forget it and move on. Lots of other things I can still do and many things left I want to try.
Had some good news. The windows will be installed next Monday. Looks like Santa is bringing me an early Christmas gift.
Some advice if you are thinking of buying a home. Unless you are really handy and really healthy, don't buy an old house. Sure they have their charms and new houses have problems too.I am learning the hard( read: expensive)way that an old house can be a real money pit if you have to pay people to fix it for you. The good old days when I could do most of it myself( yeah I was MS fix it) are long gone and now it costs me a fortune to get things done.
I was a little sad today thinking how useless I am now, at least when it comes to things like that. A total weakling. House repairs were actually fun for me. I had a real sense of accomplishment when I completed a job. Ah! may as well forget it and move on. Lots of other things I can still do and many things left I want to try.
Minggu, 06 Desember 2009
From Math-A-Thon to Marathon

I am so proud of my baby girl for running in the St. Jude Marathon. The temperature at the start of the race was in the low twenties. Her group finished a little bit over three hours. My poor baby legs are sore, but like she said, "I am sore behind a good cause." I remember like it was yesterday when she use to raise money for St. Jude volunteering in the St. Jude Math-A-thon when she was in elementary shool. It felt GOOD to see her continue the values I taught her while watching her come across the finish line at Auto Zone Park running in her first half marathon ( 13.1) miles on Saturday, December 5.
CONGRATULATIONS! TARA, BARBARA and CHASITY (mom and daughter, Tara's other mom and sister) for completing your first marathon as team "Curls R Us". Now that they have the marathon bug, I have the travelling bug to CHEER THEM ON. Next stop New Orleans the Mardi Gras Half Marathon in February.

L-R (my baby)Tara, Barabara, and Chasity
On a sad note...
A woman died after completing the half marathon. Her death was the first death in the thirty years St. Jude has been doing marathons. My condolence to her family.
Tara's experience in her own words that was published in the paper.
Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009
December 6, 1989

In this picture - The Honourable Helena Guergis, Minister of State (Status of Women), places a red rose to represent all the women and girls who are victims of violence. The 14 white roses, which were placed by her colleagues, represent the 14 young women who lost their lives at l’École Polytechnique in Montréal on December 6, 1989.
On December 6, 1989 Marc Lepine murdered 14 women "because they were feminists".
Read how one women tried to save lives by denying being a feminist and how today she realizes she had many misconceptions about what that meant.
I am a feminist. I am not a man hating, bra burning, militant.
Jumat, 04 Desember 2009
Bloggers BEWARE

The Federal Trade Commission revised their rules for bloggers when it comes to giving endorsements or testimonial about a product or service.
Bloggers who receives cash or in-kind payment to review a product is considered an endorsement. Thus, bloggers who make an endorsement must disclose the material connections they share with the seller of the product or service.
The revised Guidelines state:
Bloggers and online word-of-mouth marketers are require disclosing any material connection to a company when reviewing the company’s products or services (failure to disclose any payment or receipt of free product from an advertiser or someone acting on their behalf could expose you to liability).
Click here for entire revised FTC revised guidelines.
Nice to know I do not have to worry about being expose to any liabilities because when I blog about a drug or a product I am not getting paid by Big Pharma or a Corporation.
It was just a matter of time that the FTC changed the rules and regulations because of the massive amount of people who blog and or have a social network site. IMO, it is about the FTC revised their rules and regulations on endorsements or testimonials. If a person is getting paid to speak good or bad about a product or service, it is an unfair advantage or disadvantage.
Now it time for the FTC to get to work on regulations for individuals and organizations with blogs, that are being paid by Big Pharma, the Health Care Industry and Big Business when it comes to politics in American.
Claiming "Freedom of Speech" when you are being paid to influence legislation and be divisive is getting old.
Kamis, 03 Desember 2009
Blogify ?
blogify: To dramatize or overexaggerate. To describe otherwise bland subjects in a horribly depressing and/or dramatic manner. To make dreary . . .– Urban Dictionary
Check it out at Urban Dictionary
How would you describe your blog? Mine: Woman too tired to be as interesting as she would like to be.
Yeah but I try.
And I see my American friends continue with intelligent debate of
the health care issue:
William Shatner:
If you have money, you're going to get health care. If you don't have money it's more difficult.
Rush Limbaugh:
If you have money you're going to get a house on the beach. If you don't have money you're going to live in a bungalow somewhere.
William Shatner:
But we're talking about health care.
Rush Limbaugh:
What's the difference?
Check it out at Urban Dictionary
How would you describe your blog? Mine: Woman too tired to be as interesting as she would like to be.
Yeah but I try.
And I see my American friends continue with intelligent debate of
the health care issue:
William Shatner:
If you have money, you're going to get health care. If you don't have money it's more difficult.
Rush Limbaugh:
If you have money you're going to get a house on the beach. If you don't have money you're going to live in a bungalow somewhere.
William Shatner:
But we're talking about health care.
Rush Limbaugh:
What's the difference?
Rabu, 02 Desember 2009
Rain In December
Sitting here taking a break from writing Christmas cards watching "Diary of a Madman"
I think Vincent Price enjoyed playing crazy guys. He did such a good job too. The characters are often sympathetic, and not over the top wacko like they are in today's movies. Oh don't I sound like an old fogy.
Well I have a new furnace and central air! The job went smoothly, only I think one of the guys had a bladder problem, because he used the bathroom about twenty times. My germ paranoia had me with the bleach, scrubbing away after he left. Hard to believe such a tiny furnace is such an uber heating machine. Here I am with this super efficient heating system and the weather is spring like out. It poured rain again this evening. Am I complaining? No, my winter boots can wait.
Not much else going on. I think the Afghan troop surge is a mistake and I hope our Prime Minister doesn't extend Canada's involvement there.
I think Vincent Price enjoyed playing crazy guys. He did such a good job too. The characters are often sympathetic, and not over the top wacko like they are in today's movies. Oh don't I sound like an old fogy.
Well I have a new furnace and central air! The job went smoothly, only I think one of the guys had a bladder problem, because he used the bathroom about twenty times. My germ paranoia had me with the bleach, scrubbing away after he left. Hard to believe such a tiny furnace is such an uber heating machine. Here I am with this super efficient heating system and the weather is spring like out. It poured rain again this evening. Am I complaining? No, my winter boots can wait.
Not much else going on. I think the Afghan troop surge is a mistake and I hope our Prime Minister doesn't extend Canada's involvement there.
Selasa, 01 Desember 2009
A Cookie A Day
Not as healthy as an apple and don't blame me if this adds to your holiday calories. A different cookie recipe every day till Christmas here
Senin, 30 November 2009
Furnace Day
Get my new furnace installed Tuesday. Good thing the weather is reasonable as I won't have any heat all day!!
Think I'll pop out and get my blood test done finally. Have to get started with the mega vitamin D soon.
Think I'll pop out and get my blood test done finally. Have to get started with the mega vitamin D soon.
Minggu, 29 November 2009
Celebrity MS : Does It Help Us ?
Last night I watched the movie "Hillary and Jackie" 1998, a film about the cellist Jackie du Pre, who's career was cut short and died from progressive MS.
This film was a box office hit and received several Academy Award nominations.
Du Pre's rapid decline from MS and her debilitating symptoms were difficult for me to watch. Questions kept popping up in my mind "Does a film like this and the high profile celebrity of the person, do anything to educate people about MS?" "Is it because I am sensitive about my own MS that I was disturbed by this movie?" " Does being a celebrity, having an illness like MS, and going public with it, benefit us regular folks with MS or does it do more harm?" "Is any of this really the point?" "Films are meant to be enjoyed and not teach, unless they are documentaries?"
So many questions. I guess because no matter how much we try to inform people about MS, the majority have no clue what it is. My city has a small population 500,000. Every year there is an MS walk. One of our hospitals is a leader in MS research, yet most of the people who live here no nothing about MS or what they do know is so filled with prejudice and misconception.
So I guess I'm asking the big question. Does a film like Hillary and Jackie, help educate us concerning MS, or does it scare the bee geeburrs out of us and cause harm?
Du Pre had a rare, extreme, form of MS and how do we know that she didn't have other conditions that caused her death? Many MS suffers have additional serious illnesses. Just because you have MS doesn't mean you are safe from other health problems. It's not like God says: "OK you have MS so I'll give you a break". Maybe because her decline was so rapid they never did diagnose any other condition and just assumed it was the MS.
Imagine finding out you have MS, something you know very little about. You or a member of your family watches a movie like this and/or Montel Williams spreading so much misinformation about MS.
Not a very good start is it?
Bad enough you have journeyed through the maze of tests, and doctors, and diagnosis,
(if you are lucky) and misdiagnosis (most likely) and then your first experience with high profile individuals with MS, are a women who declines and dies, and a guy who tells you to drink lots of juice.
The celebrity world is not one I'm keen on. I could care less what they wear, where they go, and don't care about their views on anything. I'm just wondering if it is a good thing to show high profile individuals with an illness or does it do harm ?
I apologize for my sloppy editing. Typing this takes me so long due to my ever weakening typing skills. I'm simply too tired to polish it up.
This film was a box office hit and received several Academy Award nominations.
Du Pre's rapid decline from MS and her debilitating symptoms were difficult for me to watch. Questions kept popping up in my mind "Does a film like this and the high profile celebrity of the person, do anything to educate people about MS?" "Is it because I am sensitive about my own MS that I was disturbed by this movie?" " Does being a celebrity, having an illness like MS, and going public with it, benefit us regular folks with MS or does it do more harm?" "Is any of this really the point?" "Films are meant to be enjoyed and not teach, unless they are documentaries?"
So many questions. I guess because no matter how much we try to inform people about MS, the majority have no clue what it is. My city has a small population 500,000. Every year there is an MS walk. One of our hospitals is a leader in MS research, yet most of the people who live here no nothing about MS or what they do know is so filled with prejudice and misconception.
So I guess I'm asking the big question. Does a film like Hillary and Jackie, help educate us concerning MS, or does it scare the bee geeburrs out of us and cause harm?
Du Pre had a rare, extreme, form of MS and how do we know that she didn't have other conditions that caused her death? Many MS suffers have additional serious illnesses. Just because you have MS doesn't mean you are safe from other health problems. It's not like God says: "OK you have MS so I'll give you a break". Maybe because her decline was so rapid they never did diagnose any other condition and just assumed it was the MS.
Imagine finding out you have MS, something you know very little about. You or a member of your family watches a movie like this and/or Montel Williams spreading so much misinformation about MS.
Not a very good start is it?
Bad enough you have journeyed through the maze of tests, and doctors, and diagnosis,
(if you are lucky) and misdiagnosis (most likely) and then your first experience with high profile individuals with MS, are a women who declines and dies, and a guy who tells you to drink lots of juice.
The celebrity world is not one I'm keen on. I could care less what they wear, where they go, and don't care about their views on anything. I'm just wondering if it is a good thing to show high profile individuals with an illness or does it do harm ?
I apologize for my sloppy editing. Typing this takes me so long due to my ever weakening typing skills. I'm simply too tired to polish it up.
Kamis, 26 November 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Here's wishing all my American buddies a Happy Thanksgiving. Go easy on the turkey and may Santa bring you a decent health care bill.
I am amazed to read in the New York Times how many people look up turkey recipes.
Too late for today I guess, but here's my easy advice to cook a tasty juicy turkey.
1. Buy a fresh turkey. You are better off with a smaller fresh turkey, than a bigger frozen one. A smaller portion of something tasty, is better than a large portion of dried up tasteless meat.
2. Don't bother to stuff the turkey You can make the stuffing and bake it separate from the bird. Instead, put a half onion, a few celery stalks, a carrot, and a bunch of parsley tied with string (so it is easy to remove later)in the cavity. You don't even have to peel them, but wash and make sure the onion is cut in half. As for seasonings, that's your choice I rub a little sage on top and a bit of seasoning salt. This will add so much flavour to the pan juices for gravy later.
3. Start the oven at a high temperature 400-425 for the first half hour or so to give the turkey a chance to brown. Then turn the heat low to about 300- 325.
4. Check it every hour or so. Drain off any pan juices, and instead of using them to baste the turkey, use some water. Pour about half a cup of water all over the turkey and keep draining it off as you go along. Trust me, it really works and you will have enough pan juices to make a ton of tasty gravy.
5. You can use a thermometer to test if the turkey is cooked. I don't. I can tell from the legs( the skin will have shrunk away on them) and if the pan juices are clear, if it is done. Roughly one hour, plus another hour for every kilo. I have never had anybody get sick from eating my turkey, so I must be doing it right. And speaking of that: Allow the turkey to stand for about 20 minutes before you slice it, HOWEVER, DO NOT, let it sit around too long and don't keep it in a warm oven for very long after it is cooked. Half hour MAX. If you don't have time to remove all the meat from the carcass please find room in the fridge for the leftover turkey.
The greatest source of food poisoning is food improperly cooked and left to sit around. Also cross contamination. Clean any area, plates, and utensils used to prepare the raw meat and use clean ones to serve( yeah it's Mom again)
6. Take all your pan juices and if you want to remove the fat, place them in the fridge to allow it to cool and then just skim the fat off.
7. Put the pan juices to boil on the stove with the vegetables you used in the turkey. Allow that to simmer for a few minutes to squeeze as much flavour out of everything. Remove all this from the liquid and then taste to see if it needs more seasoning. Be careful not to burn your tongue(Gee do I sound like your mother?) The best way to thicken the gravy without having it turn out all gloppy and lumpy, is to use potato or rice flour or a combination of both. You can buy Veloutine which is a premixed combination of these and great because unlike regular flour, you can put it right in the hot liquid. Use a whisk to blend and if it gets a little too thick, simply add some water.
8. If you have to use regular flour, make a roux, which is flour blended with some melted butter. Add some of the liquid to this and whisk, then add that to the remaining liquid You can always make a bit more roux if the gravy isn't thick enough.If you still get lumps simply strain the whole works.
It really is much easier than it sounds and truthfully is much less tiring than me writing all this out. Don't be afraid It's only a turkey. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm always available to answer food questions. Food being one of my favourite things
Advice: Don't cook everything !! If baking isn't your thing buy pre made desserts !
Use frozen vegetables to save all that peeling They can taste as good as fresh if you don't over cook them.
Don't be a cooking martyr. If you don't feel like cooking. Don't do it! You can buy an entire cooked turkey meal with all the trimmings for about $90. it's supposed to be enough for 4 people, but I'm certain without gluttony it could serve 8.
I am amazed to read in the New York Times how many people look up turkey recipes.
Too late for today I guess, but here's my easy advice to cook a tasty juicy turkey.
1. Buy a fresh turkey. You are better off with a smaller fresh turkey, than a bigger frozen one. A smaller portion of something tasty, is better than a large portion of dried up tasteless meat.
2. Don't bother to stuff the turkey You can make the stuffing and bake it separate from the bird. Instead, put a half onion, a few celery stalks, a carrot, and a bunch of parsley tied with string (so it is easy to remove later)in the cavity. You don't even have to peel them, but wash and make sure the onion is cut in half. As for seasonings, that's your choice I rub a little sage on top and a bit of seasoning salt. This will add so much flavour to the pan juices for gravy later.
3. Start the oven at a high temperature 400-425 for the first half hour or so to give the turkey a chance to brown. Then turn the heat low to about 300- 325.
4. Check it every hour or so. Drain off any pan juices, and instead of using them to baste the turkey, use some water. Pour about half a cup of water all over the turkey and keep draining it off as you go along. Trust me, it really works and you will have enough pan juices to make a ton of tasty gravy.
5. You can use a thermometer to test if the turkey is cooked. I don't. I can tell from the legs( the skin will have shrunk away on them) and if the pan juices are clear, if it is done. Roughly one hour, plus another hour for every kilo. I have never had anybody get sick from eating my turkey, so I must be doing it right. And speaking of that: Allow the turkey to stand for about 20 minutes before you slice it, HOWEVER, DO NOT, let it sit around too long and don't keep it in a warm oven for very long after it is cooked. Half hour MAX. If you don't have time to remove all the meat from the carcass please find room in the fridge for the leftover turkey.
The greatest source of food poisoning is food improperly cooked and left to sit around. Also cross contamination. Clean any area, plates, and utensils used to prepare the raw meat and use clean ones to serve( yeah it's Mom again)
6. Take all your pan juices and if you want to remove the fat, place them in the fridge to allow it to cool and then just skim the fat off.
7. Put the pan juices to boil on the stove with the vegetables you used in the turkey. Allow that to simmer for a few minutes to squeeze as much flavour out of everything. Remove all this from the liquid and then taste to see if it needs more seasoning. Be careful not to burn your tongue(Gee do I sound like your mother?) The best way to thicken the gravy without having it turn out all gloppy and lumpy, is to use potato or rice flour or a combination of both. You can buy Veloutine which is a premixed combination of these and great because unlike regular flour, you can put it right in the hot liquid. Use a whisk to blend and if it gets a little too thick, simply add some water.
8. If you have to use regular flour, make a roux, which is flour blended with some melted butter. Add some of the liquid to this and whisk, then add that to the remaining liquid You can always make a bit more roux if the gravy isn't thick enough.If you still get lumps simply strain the whole works.
It really is much easier than it sounds and truthfully is much less tiring than me writing all this out. Don't be afraid It's only a turkey. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm always available to answer food questions. Food being one of my favourite things
Advice: Don't cook everything !! If baking isn't your thing buy pre made desserts !
Use frozen vegetables to save all that peeling They can taste as good as fresh if you don't over cook them.
Don't be a cooking martyr. If you don't feel like cooking. Don't do it! You can buy an entire cooked turkey meal with all the trimmings for about $90. it's supposed to be enough for 4 people, but I'm certain without gluttony it could serve 8.
Selasa, 24 November 2009
It's No Picnic
The gloomy, rainy, weather, has me in a funk. I really shouldn't be complaining about 11C temperatures considering that furnace use is at a minimum and I still don't need my winter coat.
I'm simply frustrated at the return of the pulsing in my ears and the pain in my left foot. I was fine and then out of nowhere the whooshing started and the pain, and now I feel crummy. Crummy because I wanted so bad to rest this afternoon due to a major fatigue jag. No luck though. Think I'll have an early vapour session this evening. I have to attend a "town hall meeting" tomorrow and with the entire group from work there, the last thing I need is to be all shriveled. They have enough to gossip about. I'm in no mood for the "poor Carole" or "she's faking it" comments. Whispered of course! Not only that, the agenda promises to be extremely boring. I don't do boring so good these days.
Strange that I had to see a news story about a recall of swine flu vaccine in Canada, on BBC World. Nothing about it in the local media. 178,00 doses were recalled by Glaxo Smith Kline, due to higher than normal allergic reactions which included breathing problems, rashes, and shock. I guess they thought the big story was a deer running around downtown Toronto.
At least I did get to see a movie I have heard about over the years "Mr Hulot's Holiday". The misadventures of Mr Hulot and his fellow vacationers was funny and
made me think of a few holidays I've had like that. Now in summer when anyone says to me "Lets rent a cottage on the shores of( insert name of Great Lake) for a week" I pretend I don't hear them. More about that another time. I need to shower and get my "medicine" ready. Gee I sound like those old ladies who sip their therapeutic brandy.
I'm simply frustrated at the return of the pulsing in my ears and the pain in my left foot. I was fine and then out of nowhere the whooshing started and the pain, and now I feel crummy. Crummy because I wanted so bad to rest this afternoon due to a major fatigue jag. No luck though. Think I'll have an early vapour session this evening. I have to attend a "town hall meeting" tomorrow and with the entire group from work there, the last thing I need is to be all shriveled. They have enough to gossip about. I'm in no mood for the "poor Carole" or "she's faking it" comments. Whispered of course! Not only that, the agenda promises to be extremely boring. I don't do boring so good these days.
Strange that I had to see a news story about a recall of swine flu vaccine in Canada, on BBC World. Nothing about it in the local media. 178,00 doses were recalled by Glaxo Smith Kline, due to higher than normal allergic reactions which included breathing problems, rashes, and shock. I guess they thought the big story was a deer running around downtown Toronto.
At least I did get to see a movie I have heard about over the years "Mr Hulot's Holiday". The misadventures of Mr Hulot and his fellow vacationers was funny and
made me think of a few holidays I've had like that. Now in summer when anyone says to me "Lets rent a cottage on the shores of( insert name of Great Lake) for a week" I pretend I don't hear them. More about that another time. I need to shower and get my "medicine" ready. Gee I sound like those old ladies who sip their therapeutic brandy.
Sabtu, 21 November 2009
Stress Control for the Holiday Season

I was apprehensive when I first began blogging about my personal life living with ms, then a few of my politic views, and social issues for the world to see. I never expected anyone to really read my blog. Instead of going to a MS support group, blogging became my therapy. To my surprise thousands of people read my blog a month and my blog went from being worth zero dollars, then to $4,205.00 in 2007, and now today worth $10,726.26.
I could not believe it when a major newspaper offered me a freelance writer job because of my blogging. To get paid monthly to write articles for the last two years have lifted my spirits, because I was devastated when my multiple sclerosis symptoms caused me to stop working in a profession I loved. (I know some of you are probably wondering how did that happen with the writing errors I makes on some of my posts. All I can say is do not let my writing fool you on my The second great thing to happen from blogging is that I have gotten to know some wonderful people via cyberspace.
Most importantly it has been amazing from the emails and comments that my honesty about living with ms has helped them. In addition having my blog featured on two well respected medical websites. Finally, to have a freelance writer wanting to guest blog on my blog with helpful articles is the icing on the cake. I love the article she wrote and I am looking forward to her doing more.
I hope you all enjoy the following article "Stress Control for the Holiday Season" by Mary Ward as much as I did...
The holidays are here again, and for many people that means a great deal of joy. For many people, the holidays also signify a whole lot of stress and anxiety as well. As the family comes together and there’s so much to do, it’s easy to see how anybody can quickly feel the stress. Don’t be a victim of the holiday stress! There are some simple and effective ways to control it so that it doesn’t overtake you. If you think through things in advance and work hard to remember what the season is all about, then you can learn to cope with anything that comes your way.
Have a Solid Plan
The problem for most people is that they don’t have a plan. Between the cooking, the shopping, the decorating, the baking, and writing out Christmas cards it can all get a bit overwhelming. Fortunately if you approach it with a clear head and have a plan, you are sure to be far more successful. Take the time before the craziness hits to plan out everything that you have to accomplish, and be sure to prioritize. Make a master “to do list” that can serve as your work in progress. List out the people that you need to buy presents for, the food that you have to shop for, and anything that you need to accomplish along with any deadlines associated with each activity.
Remember What It’s All About
The holidays can quickly become stressful if you don’t stop to remember what they are all about. If you have kids in your life, look at the joy on their face that the holidays bring. Think back to any special memories, or find a way of reconnecting to good times shared in the past. This is meant to be a joyful time and if you can actually take the time to remember that, then it will make it much more enjoyable along the way. Sometimes taking the time to enjoy the journey as much as the destination can bring much joy in and of itself.
Stay Organized
Though it sounds obvious, many people lose their way at some point. You may have the best of intentions and start out with a good solid plan, but somewhere along the way it gets lost. Either you give into the stress or you end up coming across additional tasks or unforeseen circumstances. Do your best to update your list, stay organized by checking off what you’ve already done and what you still have to do. Wrap presents as you get them for example. When you’re heading to the grocery store, make a master list of everything you’ll need for cooking and baking. If you have the opportunity, you can even try to buy some items ahead to save you the last minute trips. Staying organized along the way, no matter what is thrown at you, can save you a lot of stress during the holiday season.
Mary Ellen Ward blogs about how to choose among LPN to RN degrees.
From ME (Blinders Off) to YOU

Follow Up On Some Research
Here is a very good summary about "Research into Blood Flow in the Brain and Venous Insufficiency, or CCSVI, in MS".
This research was in the news a couple of months ago and several bloggers did discuss it. I find this article is written in plain language. Well, as plain as any scientific research can be made. There is also a FAQ list that you might find helpful.
My understanding is that blood flow problems may be causing the inflammations that result in myelin damage. The researchers are building on studies that were abandoned years ago, as MS research moved toward studying the immune system causes of MS. This does not mean that current research is misguided nor that the old research was useless. It means (to me)that perhaps there is a new way to resolve the MS question and come up with treatments, that would lessen the need for the powerful drugs that are now used to combat MS. In future, a procedure such as one used to unblock clogged arteries might help relieve MS and prevent further symptom episodes. Not a cure, but a step in the right direction
I am posting this today aware that it is old news, however this article and the FAQ's really cleared up some of the questions I had about this research. It's possible my interpretation is wrong. That's why you should read it for yourself and decide. I am not an MS expert as some blogger claim to be. I am trying to find something positive, that can make me and maybe others, feel a little more hopeful about our situation.
It might have to do with me feeling better about things these days and make up for all the whining I do.
This research was in the news a couple of months ago and several bloggers did discuss it. I find this article is written in plain language. Well, as plain as any scientific research can be made. There is also a FAQ list that you might find helpful.
My understanding is that blood flow problems may be causing the inflammations that result in myelin damage. The researchers are building on studies that were abandoned years ago, as MS research moved toward studying the immune system causes of MS. This does not mean that current research is misguided nor that the old research was useless. It means (to me)that perhaps there is a new way to resolve the MS question and come up with treatments, that would lessen the need for the powerful drugs that are now used to combat MS. In future, a procedure such as one used to unblock clogged arteries might help relieve MS and prevent further symptom episodes. Not a cure, but a step in the right direction
I am posting this today aware that it is old news, however this article and the FAQ's really cleared up some of the questions I had about this research. It's possible my interpretation is wrong. That's why you should read it for yourself and decide. I am not an MS expert as some blogger claim to be. I am trying to find something positive, that can make me and maybe others, feel a little more hopeful about our situation.
It might have to do with me feeling better about things these days and make up for all the whining I do.
Kamis, 19 November 2009
The Results
The neuro appointment went smoothly My balance is not so great and my reflexes aren't either, otherwise physically, things aren't that bad.
My doctor wants to try mega doses of vitamin D. This seems to be the latest treatment for MS. I have to have a blood test first and then will most likely take about 4,000 units a day to start. I was just too tired to go for the blood test today. I'm already taking 1,000 units a day as a supplement, so I'm part way there.
I don't know what the big deal was about the Health Canada report. The doctor there DID, recommend for me to work at home and my neuro DID, give a diagnosis of relapsing remitting MS. Yes, there was a suggestion I go see a psychiatrist but that was not mandatory, as my employer insisted. I discussed it with my doctor and he said that's a standard recommendation when an individual is diagnosed with an illness like MS.
I explained to him that at the time (last fall) I was so stressed out about my work situation that I was depressed and I did feel suicidal. When you are losing half your pay cheque due to illness and your employer is stone walling, on top of the MS, that would make most anybody depressed. Regardless of how low I was feeling, I would never have killed myself.
What happened is instead of trying to resolve my work situation my employer focused on one thing. Lets pack her off to a shrink and he will fix her up. If that doesn't work, we will pension her off and be done. Not sure if it's lack of caring,laziness, or both. Luckily, a court case( Lloyd vs CRA) came along just at the right time to help me out. Now things aren't that bad at work. I'm at home four days and one day in the office per week.
I've decided to move on and look ahead. Will I forgive and forget ? NO !!
My doctor wants to try mega doses of vitamin D. This seems to be the latest treatment for MS. I have to have a blood test first and then will most likely take about 4,000 units a day to start. I was just too tired to go for the blood test today. I'm already taking 1,000 units a day as a supplement, so I'm part way there.
I don't know what the big deal was about the Health Canada report. The doctor there DID, recommend for me to work at home and my neuro DID, give a diagnosis of relapsing remitting MS. Yes, there was a suggestion I go see a psychiatrist but that was not mandatory, as my employer insisted. I discussed it with my doctor and he said that's a standard recommendation when an individual is diagnosed with an illness like MS.
I explained to him that at the time (last fall) I was so stressed out about my work situation that I was depressed and I did feel suicidal. When you are losing half your pay cheque due to illness and your employer is stone walling, on top of the MS, that would make most anybody depressed. Regardless of how low I was feeling, I would never have killed myself.
What happened is instead of trying to resolve my work situation my employer focused on one thing. Lets pack her off to a shrink and he will fix her up. If that doesn't work, we will pension her off and be done. Not sure if it's lack of caring,laziness, or both. Luckily, a court case( Lloyd vs CRA) came along just at the right time to help me out. Now things aren't that bad at work. I'm at home four days and one day in the office per week.
I've decided to move on and look ahead. Will I forgive and forget ? NO !!
Rabu, 18 November 2009
I Said Doctor, Doctor, Mr MD
Have my Neuro appointment in the morning. Not exactly over the moon about that.
What's the point? At least I will finally get my hands on the Health Canada report I had to fight so hard to get released. Tonight I don't feel like a bag of bones. I feel like a piece of raw bacon lying around.
You want a nice, no whining blog ? Sorry, guess you will have to go elsewhere.
What's the point? At least I will finally get my hands on the Health Canada report I had to fight so hard to get released. Tonight I don't feel like a bag of bones. I feel like a piece of raw bacon lying around.
You want a nice, no whining blog ? Sorry, guess you will have to go elsewhere.
Selasa, 17 November 2009
Not much in the mood for writing. Way too tired. Here's an interesting article about the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland. 80% of people who get permission to end their life decide not to That's how effective the counseling is. We need to have a dialogue here in Canada to allow assisted suicide No I'm not contemplating it. I just think it would be worthwhile to know that if things were really bad I could die with dignity.
In The Arms Of ANGELS

When I first heard and saw the picture about 5-year-old Shaiya Davis, I said a prayer for her safe return. Seeing her beautiful face took my mind back to all the wonderful times I had with my daughters at that age and I thought about how I would KILL or DIE for them.
I feel sadness and I say a prayer for every young child that has been reported missing and died at the hands of another. Shaiya Davis, touched me like no other story I have ever heard. I cried as if she was one of my daughters, I prayed for her like I never prayed before. Shaiya Davis is safe now, she is in the arms of Angels and I thank God for bringing her home to a place no one can ever hurt her again.
I cannot imagine not loving my daughters. I cannot imagine not protecting my daughters. I damn sure cannot imagine passing my daughter to sexual deviants. Most of all I cannot imagine my daughters leaving this world before me.

The death penalty is too good for this MONSTER Antoinette Nicole Davis. She deserves no protection from prison justice by putting her in isolation; put her in with the general prison population to receive prison justice. Then put her back in her cell nightly so her demons can destroy her because she allowed her demons to destroy Shaiya Davis.
Minggu, 15 November 2009
It Started With A Mirror
Watching the silent version of "The Thief of Bagdad' with Douglas(hunk) Fairbanks.
These silents films have been given a boost with new music soundtracks
It started with the installation of a new mirror. I was at a discount decorating store on Saturday looking for Christmas cards, and noticed a dusty mirror sitting in a corner. It was such a good deal I couldn't resist. Oval shaped with an ornate antique gold coloured frame. Today I put it up and it looks pretty snazzy. Had one of those rare bursts of energy, so next thing you know I'm practically reorganizing the entire upstairs of my house. Managed to conquer the dust bunnies too. The weather was bad out otherwise I would have gone for a long walk. It was so nice to feel good for a few hours. I hit the wall around 3:00 and couldn't do much after that. Still, tonight I don't feel so bad.Tired but not weak.
I think my feeling good is partly due to my THC vapour knocking me out, which allowed me to have a nice long sleep on Saturday night. I am only using it a few times per week in the evening at stronger doses, rather than every day mild ones. Saturday I was in so much pain with the sensation of a nail being shoved up the bottom of my left foot. Decided I may as well have a good stiff shot of vapour and it worked. My foot calmed, my twitchy leg relaxed, and I fell asleep. Nice !
The beauty of it is I wake up the next morning and I don't feel like a zombie like I do when I take sleeping pills. Haven't had one of those in awhile and I don't miss it. Don't miss the yucky metallic taste in my mouth either.
Haven't had much time for my blog and when I have time, I don't have the energy. This week I had seriously considered packing it in. I wonder if there is any point to this blogging? Well, here I am at it again.
The weather continues mild. Saturday was like a spring day. I know it won't last. The Santa Claus parade was today and snow is just around the corner.
These silents films have been given a boost with new music soundtracks
It started with the installation of a new mirror. I was at a discount decorating store on Saturday looking for Christmas cards, and noticed a dusty mirror sitting in a corner. It was such a good deal I couldn't resist. Oval shaped with an ornate antique gold coloured frame. Today I put it up and it looks pretty snazzy. Had one of those rare bursts of energy, so next thing you know I'm practically reorganizing the entire upstairs of my house. Managed to conquer the dust bunnies too. The weather was bad out otherwise I would have gone for a long walk. It was so nice to feel good for a few hours. I hit the wall around 3:00 and couldn't do much after that. Still, tonight I don't feel so bad.Tired but not weak.
I think my feeling good is partly due to my THC vapour knocking me out, which allowed me to have a nice long sleep on Saturday night. I am only using it a few times per week in the evening at stronger doses, rather than every day mild ones. Saturday I was in so much pain with the sensation of a nail being shoved up the bottom of my left foot. Decided I may as well have a good stiff shot of vapour and it worked. My foot calmed, my twitchy leg relaxed, and I fell asleep. Nice !
The beauty of it is I wake up the next morning and I don't feel like a zombie like I do when I take sleeping pills. Haven't had one of those in awhile and I don't miss it. Don't miss the yucky metallic taste in my mouth either.
Haven't had much time for my blog and when I have time, I don't have the energy. This week I had seriously considered packing it in. I wonder if there is any point to this blogging? Well, here I am at it again.
The weather continues mild. Saturday was like a spring day. I know it won't last. The Santa Claus parade was today and snow is just around the corner.
Rabu, 11 November 2009
The Energy Audit
No, not on me, although I could use one. This audit will allow me to get a rebate from the government when I install a new furnace, which looks like I'm going ahead with. Getting a new central air unit too, thanks to MS. Meaning, that I always thought of air conditioning as a luxury and now I see it as a necessity.
On December 1st it will be bye bye, to the old clunky furnace and noisy air conditioning unit. Plus I should save some money on my gas bill.
Got the Swine Flu shot today. It was pure fluke. I was in the mall on my way to the bank and noticed another clinic . It was so quiet, not like the long noisy lines of the last two weeks. I thought what the heck, may as well get one. I was in and out in less than five minutes, aside from the twenty minute wait after the shot.
Remembrance Day
" Never Forget - Never Again"
The Berlin wall fell without any violence. Why can't we resolve all issues that way?
On December 1st it will be bye bye, to the old clunky furnace and noisy air conditioning unit. Plus I should save some money on my gas bill.
Got the Swine Flu shot today. It was pure fluke. I was in the mall on my way to the bank and noticed another clinic . It was so quiet, not like the long noisy lines of the last two weeks. I thought what the heck, may as well get one. I was in and out in less than five minutes, aside from the twenty minute wait after the shot.
Remembrance Day
" Never Forget - Never Again"
The Berlin wall fell without any violence. Why can't we resolve all issues that way?
Selasa, 10 November 2009
MS Update
Well it is called Carole's MS Blog, which I haven't had the energy to update.
I am soooooooooo tired. Not sleepy tired. Weak, bag of bones, tired. I have one good day were I get busy and then one horrible day were I can barely move. Even now I don't feel liking typing this. Only doing it because next week I have to see the neuro and I want to remind myself of how awful I feel.
AND how many people come to me for advice. I help them yet nobody can help me with this. I suppose if I was rich and had servants it would be less bothersome. Only I don't and lots to do, only I don't have the strength. It sucks !!!!!!
I am soooooooooo tired. Not sleepy tired. Weak, bag of bones, tired. I have one good day were I get busy and then one horrible day were I can barely move. Even now I don't feel liking typing this. Only doing it because next week I have to see the neuro and I want to remind myself of how awful I feel.
AND how many people come to me for advice. I help them yet nobody can help me with this. I suppose if I was rich and had servants it would be less bothersome. Only I don't and lots to do, only I don't have the strength. It sucks !!!!!!
Jumat, 06 November 2009
Veterans Week
Once again I'm a little late posting this. Here are some links to veterans week activities and Operation Legacy "Never Forget - Never Again"
veterans affairs
operation legacy
Kamis, 05 November 2009
Rabu, 04 November 2009
Marijuna for Autism
Read here about a mother's decision to give her son medical marijuana to treat his autism. I disagree with some of what she has to say. A vapourizer, although not cheap, isn't nearly as expensive as she says and it doesn't leave the house reeking of pot.
Might go see the royals at Dundurn castle tomorrow. Not a fan of the monarchy. Just want to see Camilla up close, which might be possible as the public is welcome and they want it to be informal. Sir Allan McNab, the laird of the castle, was her great, great, great, grandfather.
Might go see the royals at Dundurn castle tomorrow. Not a fan of the monarchy. Just want to see Camilla up close, which might be possible as the public is welcome and they want it to be informal. Sir Allan McNab, the laird of the castle, was her great, great, great, grandfather.
Selasa, 03 November 2009
Go Dad !!!
Congratulations to my Dad, on passing his driver's license test. Pretty good for a ninety year old guy. I pity the fool who tells him his license is fake!
Got a new HD cable box. Oh what fun on the telephone this evening trying to get the thing activated. Me reading out two long number codes, being put on hold, rereading the codes, being put on hold, rereading the codes, until at last! The tiny light turned on, only to shut off again. The tech guy assured me that it would magically turn on again in half an hour. Here we are, three hours later, and no magic.
Heard the new swine flu, public service ads on the radio today. After weeks of brain washing to get the shot, we are told only high risk groups can get one for now. And they try to make it seem like this was the plan all along. Don't you just love government propaganda ?
Got a new HD cable box. Oh what fun on the telephone this evening trying to get the thing activated. Me reading out two long number codes, being put on hold, rereading the codes, being put on hold, rereading the codes, until at last! The tiny light turned on, only to shut off again. The tech guy assured me that it would magically turn on again in half an hour. Here we are, three hours later, and no magic.
Heard the new swine flu, public service ads on the radio today. After weeks of brain washing to get the shot, we are told only high risk groups can get one for now. And they try to make it seem like this was the plan all along. Don't you just love government propaganda ?
Senin, 02 November 2009
More Pointless Research
Came across this story today in the Toronto Star. Read about the Marshmallow Effect.
Yeah put marshmallows in front of a kid, leave the room, and then you are surprised when they eat the marshmallows, even though you promised them more if they waited.
This is credible? Sorrow to tell you dear parents but your child is doomed because they couldn't wait to eat a marshmallow! Sheesh!! What next? Any wonder we still don't have cures for so many illnesses?
Yeah put marshmallows in front of a kid, leave the room, and then you are surprised when they eat the marshmallows, even though you promised them more if they waited.
This is credible? Sorrow to tell you dear parents but your child is doomed because they couldn't wait to eat a marshmallow! Sheesh!! What next? Any wonder we still don't have cures for so many illnesses?
Feeling Guilty
OK. You may think this post adolescent and/or tell me to ask an advice columnist.
Hey! What's the point of having a blog if I can't use to sort out some of my dilemmas, even if those dilemmas are no big deal in comparison to big problems all around me? Age does not always bring wisdom and I find myself confronted with situations that are no different than ones I faced in kindergarten. AND I know there is loads of free advice out there, so feel free to post a comment, even if it is simply to tell me to grow up.
Do you ever find yourself starting a friendship with a person only to find as you get to know them, that you don't really like the individual? There is a saying "the less you know a person, the more you like them". It's not so easy to tell a person to buzz off or cut ties, especially when that person has been kind when others didn't care.
Yet I find that certain people thrive on helping others, not so much because they want you to feel better but because it makes them feel better. I also dislike that this results in the person claiming bragging rights "Oh if it weren't for me you would be a mess" and "you have this and that and it's all thanks to me". They also like to remind you constantly about how caring and compassionate they are.
What I would like to do is tell this person "Yes I am grateful, you did help me, only now I feel you are holding me ransom to that help. How long to I have to go on paying you back? You are a good person, however I find your constant bragging and constant need of compliments very draining. Yes you do good in the community and you have a big heart, yet why do you have this need to always tell everyone, all the time about it? Why must you always tell me how much you paid for everything you own?" Remind me all the time of how you live in a ritzy neighbourhood and everyone is jealous of that. You think that is why you don't have any friends, because people are jealous of you, when in fact they are just so fed up and really don't want to hear how your expensive designer sunglasses were stolen or your that your husband bought you an expensive designer watch, or that you just won another award for your good works."
Nah, I may as well face the truth. I will never say those things. I just can't be that cruel. Perhaps I'm also afraid that I will be confronted with my own annoying faults and I can't handle it. Meanwhile, I still have a buddy that I don't really want.
I also have a fair weather friend and a relative I don't get along with who is in jam, but that will have to wait for another time.
Hey! What's the point of having a blog if I can't use to sort out some of my dilemmas, even if those dilemmas are no big deal in comparison to big problems all around me? Age does not always bring wisdom and I find myself confronted with situations that are no different than ones I faced in kindergarten. AND I know there is loads of free advice out there, so feel free to post a comment, even if it is simply to tell me to grow up.
Do you ever find yourself starting a friendship with a person only to find as you get to know them, that you don't really like the individual? There is a saying "the less you know a person, the more you like them". It's not so easy to tell a person to buzz off or cut ties, especially when that person has been kind when others didn't care.
Yet I find that certain people thrive on helping others, not so much because they want you to feel better but because it makes them feel better. I also dislike that this results in the person claiming bragging rights "Oh if it weren't for me you would be a mess" and "you have this and that and it's all thanks to me". They also like to remind you constantly about how caring and compassionate they are.
What I would like to do is tell this person "Yes I am grateful, you did help me, only now I feel you are holding me ransom to that help. How long to I have to go on paying you back? You are a good person, however I find your constant bragging and constant need of compliments very draining. Yes you do good in the community and you have a big heart, yet why do you have this need to always tell everyone, all the time about it? Why must you always tell me how much you paid for everything you own?" Remind me all the time of how you live in a ritzy neighbourhood and everyone is jealous of that. You think that is why you don't have any friends, because people are jealous of you, when in fact they are just so fed up and really don't want to hear how your expensive designer sunglasses were stolen or your that your husband bought you an expensive designer watch, or that you just won another award for your good works."
Nah, I may as well face the truth. I will never say those things. I just can't be that cruel. Perhaps I'm also afraid that I will be confronted with my own annoying faults and I can't handle it. Meanwhile, I still have a buddy that I don't really want.
I also have a fair weather friend and a relative I don't get along with who is in jam, but that will have to wait for another time.
Minggu, 01 November 2009
Standard Time
A beautiful mild day today for the start of Standard Time. Why can't we leave the clocks alone and stop this nonsense of day light savings time. What exactly are we saving?
My stairs and walkway are finished at last! A few finishing touches still to do but at least I can use my front door again. How nice to have shallower stairs and a wider path. I went out tonight to organize the recycling and it was effortless to climb up and down. Ah! relief for my wonky knees. I'll take some photos once everything is done. Next will be the windows and doors to be replaced.All this reno work, maybe I should have torn the house down and started over.
It's official. There isn't enough Swine Flu vaccine to go around. The clinics are still on for this week, yet only for high risk groups. Apparently there was a foul up at the plant producing the vaccine. Shots for regular folks won't be available for several weeks. The chief medical officer said they weren't expecting such a high turn out at the clinics. Well what did they expect? They have bombarded us with ads to "get the shot" "get the shot" and now that we have decided "OK I will get the shot" they don't have enough. If they don't have them available again before Christmas, I'm not even going to bother. Seems rather pointless. What a total cock up of a mess, the way this whole situation has been handled. I wonder what would happen if we had a serious plague? Best not to think about it.
I switched my cable t.v. channel line up this weekend. So many channels I didn't watch anymore. I now have Silver Screen Classics, which is turning out to be a great channel. I watched "A Night To Remember" this evening. The 1958 version of the sinking of Titanic. When I first saw it as a girl it made quite an impression on me Although the recent version by James Cameron is good I still prefer this one. Not sure if that's due to nostalgia or not. Anyway, I'm a movie nut, so this will be a great way to pass the dark, chilly, winter nights.
Well even with an extra hour I seem to have used up my day. Time to shut everything down and get ready for sleep.
My stairs and walkway are finished at last! A few finishing touches still to do but at least I can use my front door again. How nice to have shallower stairs and a wider path. I went out tonight to organize the recycling and it was effortless to climb up and down. Ah! relief for my wonky knees. I'll take some photos once everything is done. Next will be the windows and doors to be replaced.All this reno work, maybe I should have torn the house down and started over.
It's official. There isn't enough Swine Flu vaccine to go around. The clinics are still on for this week, yet only for high risk groups. Apparently there was a foul up at the plant producing the vaccine. Shots for regular folks won't be available for several weeks. The chief medical officer said they weren't expecting such a high turn out at the clinics. Well what did they expect? They have bombarded us with ads to "get the shot" "get the shot" and now that we have decided "OK I will get the shot" they don't have enough. If they don't have them available again before Christmas, I'm not even going to bother. Seems rather pointless. What a total cock up of a mess, the way this whole situation has been handled. I wonder what would happen if we had a serious plague? Best not to think about it.
I switched my cable t.v. channel line up this weekend. So many channels I didn't watch anymore. I now have Silver Screen Classics, which is turning out to be a great channel. I watched "A Night To Remember" this evening. The 1958 version of the sinking of Titanic. When I first saw it as a girl it made quite an impression on me Although the recent version by James Cameron is good I still prefer this one. Not sure if that's due to nostalgia or not. Anyway, I'm a movie nut, so this will be a great way to pass the dark, chilly, winter nights.
Well even with an extra hour I seem to have used up my day. Time to shut everything down and get ready for sleep.
Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2009
Deceased Dentists Perhaps?

"Most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches�I do not buy candy during the Halloween season. Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from the local grocery store. The demons cannot tell the difference."
-- Dr. Kimberly Daniels, in an essay posted on Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network
Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009
Sidewalks, Swine Flu , Space, True Confessions
More windy, wet, and gloomy weather, resulting in further delay of the outdoor renovations.
Rain rain go away and come back when the work is done!
Today was my regular office stint. While at the mall for my morning break, I noticed a huge line stretching all the way from one end to the other and up to the second level. At first I thought people were lined up to buy tickets for a hot concert. Turns out they were waiting to get a Swine Flu shot. A thirteen year old boy died on the weekend from swine flu, which has parents in panic mode. Not that I blame them. This flu is hitting young people the hardest. On my way home I took a short cut through the mall and the line was still huge. A public health nurse was making an announcement that there would be a clinic everyday next week, all day. I guess she was hoping that some would hear that and come back another time. Nobody budged.
One thing that really upsets me about this Swine Flu is an annoucement on the business news, that Glaxo Smith Kline is making huge profits thanks to the vaccine.
Then on the evening news there was a story about possible cuts to the NASA budget or at the very least, cancellation of any possible trips to the moon. Should space exploration be funded by public money? We always hear that private enterprise is best. That is the arguement against a public health care option in America, so why not private money for a trip to the moon? Bored rich people can pay millions to travel to the space station, a publicly funded project. Why not let them take over the whole thing? Funny how something as important as health is left to for profit corporations, but space travel is somehow better suited to government funding. Or is it that the corporations will sit back, wait and see when they can make a buck off of it, and then whine (or should I say lobby) to privatize.
Finally, a few comments about celebrity true confessions. Normally I could care less about what the beautiful people, who's mirrors are covered in lip prints, are up to. However, I'm really getting weary of tell all books were individuals admit to cheating and cover ups, ten years after the fact. Yeah when the money was rolling in and you were getting lots of attention, you never had this crisis of conscience. Now you have had a very long think, have decided that what you did was bad, and you feel so terrible. Guess it's a good way for you to flog some books too. Crystal Meth!
How pathetic is that?
Time for some vapour I think ;) ;)
Rain rain go away and come back when the work is done!
Today was my regular office stint. While at the mall for my morning break, I noticed a huge line stretching all the way from one end to the other and up to the second level. At first I thought people were lined up to buy tickets for a hot concert. Turns out they were waiting to get a Swine Flu shot. A thirteen year old boy died on the weekend from swine flu, which has parents in panic mode. Not that I blame them. This flu is hitting young people the hardest. On my way home I took a short cut through the mall and the line was still huge. A public health nurse was making an announcement that there would be a clinic everyday next week, all day. I guess she was hoping that some would hear that and come back another time. Nobody budged.
One thing that really upsets me about this Swine Flu is an annoucement on the business news, that Glaxo Smith Kline is making huge profits thanks to the vaccine.
Then on the evening news there was a story about possible cuts to the NASA budget or at the very least, cancellation of any possible trips to the moon. Should space exploration be funded by public money? We always hear that private enterprise is best. That is the arguement against a public health care option in America, so why not private money for a trip to the moon? Bored rich people can pay millions to travel to the space station, a publicly funded project. Why not let them take over the whole thing? Funny how something as important as health is left to for profit corporations, but space travel is somehow better suited to government funding. Or is it that the corporations will sit back, wait and see when they can make a buck off of it, and then whine (or should I say lobby) to privatize.
Finally, a few comments about celebrity true confessions. Normally I could care less about what the beautiful people, who's mirrors are covered in lip prints, are up to. However, I'm really getting weary of tell all books were individuals admit to cheating and cover ups, ten years after the fact. Yeah when the money was rolling in and you were getting lots of attention, you never had this crisis of conscience. Now you have had a very long think, have decided that what you did was bad, and you feel so terrible. Guess it's a good way for you to flog some books too. Crystal Meth!
How pathetic is that?
Time for some vapour I think ;) ;)
Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009
No Great Loss
You will no longer be able to get a Big Mac in Iceland. Read the details here
(Yes, I am always trying to get you to read more)
Hey! people eating locally grown food instead? Sounds like an improvement to me. Even if it is a hamburger.
(Yes, I am always trying to get you to read more)
Hey! people eating locally grown food instead? Sounds like an improvement to me. Even if it is a hamburger.
Senin, 26 Oktober 2009
Computer Nerds
Got bit by a flea today and does it ever itch!
Response to my IT inquiry as to why I couldn't access a data base: "Huh?" "How did that happen?"
Response to my inquiry regarding a redundancy error on my Sims3 game, that won't reloaded after the computer crash: "The disk is scratched".
Yikes !! Less than two months till Christmas !!
Response to my IT inquiry as to why I couldn't access a data base: "Huh?" "How did that happen?"
Response to my inquiry regarding a redundancy error on my Sims3 game, that won't reloaded after the computer crash: "The disk is scratched".
Yikes !! Less than two months till Christmas !!
Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009
Update and Mini Movie Review
Today when I feel the worst I have in ages, I thought I may as well update my blog.
Got my computer back from the shop. The guy was able to put things back almost as they were before the crash.
Still no front stairs. The weather has been so awful, cold rainy and extreme wind. Not good stair building weather. Today is lovely, only it's Sunday, so I suppose the workers are resting. I'm too tired to care.
It never fails! I feel good, get carried away doing things, and then pay for it the next day AND today I'm paying big time. I can barely move. It took me half an hour to psyche myself to get out of bed. I am so profoundly tired, it is beyond description.
Otherwise not much happening. I did watch a very good horror movie last night.
"The Host" a Korean film about a mutant lizard that emerges from the Han river, scoops people up, and dumps them in a sewer to eat later.
What makes it a good film is that it isn't over the top scary and you beleive that something like this could actually happen. The lizard isn't that big, about the size of a car, but fast and clever. The main characters, a dysfunctional family,who get a phone call from their little girl telling them she is still alive. They search for her, bickering and fighting all the way. The authorities screw everything up, refusing to believe that the girl is alive. The ending is unexpected and unconventional. I won't tell you in case you decide to check it out, which I suggest you do. Movie watching is a great escape when you feel crummy.
Got my computer back from the shop. The guy was able to put things back almost as they were before the crash.
Still no front stairs. The weather has been so awful, cold rainy and extreme wind. Not good stair building weather. Today is lovely, only it's Sunday, so I suppose the workers are resting. I'm too tired to care.
It never fails! I feel good, get carried away doing things, and then pay for it the next day AND today I'm paying big time. I can barely move. It took me half an hour to psyche myself to get out of bed. I am so profoundly tired, it is beyond description.
Otherwise not much happening. I did watch a very good horror movie last night.
"The Host" a Korean film about a mutant lizard that emerges from the Han river, scoops people up, and dumps them in a sewer to eat later.
What makes it a good film is that it isn't over the top scary and you beleive that something like this could actually happen. The lizard isn't that big, about the size of a car, but fast and clever. The main characters, a dysfunctional family,who get a phone call from their little girl telling them she is still alive. They search for her, bickering and fighting all the way. The authorities screw everything up, refusing to believe that the girl is alive. The ending is unexpected and unconventional. I won't tell you in case you decide to check it out, which I suggest you do. Movie watching is a great escape when you feel crummy.
Senin, 19 Oktober 2009
Headaches Not Just From MS
After a crazy weekend with my good computer crashing and having no stairs outside, is it any wonder I have a massive headache today ?
Yesterday I was accused of trying to use fake ID.
I was looking at notebook computers and I thought what the heck, instead of buying online I would give some business to my local computer store. When I presented my Visa card to buy a laptop, I was told I would need a picture ID. I went back home to get my driver's license because I don't normally carry it around and I never use my work ID for identification. It's only a short ten minute walk, so no big deal. I get back to the store and give the cashier my license. She calls the manager, he looks at my license, and flashes it back and forth . He puts it back on the counter and without even looking at me, tells the cashier not to accept it because it's a fake !! I am stunned and tell him so. He tells me that a "good" license has a hologram on it and me stupid, why I even bothered I don't know, tell him that there is a hologram on it. He says it's not the right kind of hologram !!
The cashier pipes in and says I can use my health card as ID. Me, continuing to be stupid, take out my health card and tell the cashier that legally she isn't allowed to ask for a health card as ID. Well, now three people are looking at my health card scrutinizing it. I don't know why this third guy had to get into the act ,but no matter. I get very annoyed and tell them to forget the whole thing . Just as I am about to leave the cashier says that it doesn't matter because my transaction has been declined by Visa. I call her an idiot, and the store manager a moron, and I walk out. It was a Sunday so there really wasn't much I could do about it except fire off an email to the head office of this store.
This morning I call Visa and they tell me there was no reason for the sale to be declined. Then I went over to the drivers license bureau which is in the same mall as the computer store. I tell them about the fake ID incident. They call the Ministry of Transportation and verify that my license if fine . I go back to the store and buy a cable for my modem, it was just a few bucks and I paid cash. It was they same idiot cashier and manager. After making my purchase I tell them that I checked with Visa and there in nothing wrong with my card and that I also checked with the license bureau and my drivers license is fine. I also said I had reported the incident by email, but that I was sending a complaint letter to there head office. Did they care ? No they told me to get out of the store because they really weren't interested in dealing with a person who tries to use fake ID !! I called them both idiots, morons and told them where to go. I was so angry.They threatened me with the mall cop.
Now you are wondering why on earth did I go back to that store and why did I spend money there? Two reasons: I wanted to see what their reaction would be and I also wanted a record of the store number and the sales clerk ID# My memory is very poor and if there is one thing I have learned from my work grievance, is you better have your facts straight or an incident can, and will, be used against you.
So this evening I have some letters to write. I don't really want to because I have so many other things on my plate. Still, I really think these people need to face their stupidity and apologize to me
One good thing. I'm very pleased with the work on my stairs and walkway. These young men from Back Yard Boys, are very professional and do excellent work. It's going to look fantastic when it's done and I won't have to worry about falling down the stairs anymore. Hey when people deserve compliments I give them. When they deserve my wrath, I give that too.
Now where's the Advil ?
Yesterday I was accused of trying to use fake ID.
I was looking at notebook computers and I thought what the heck, instead of buying online I would give some business to my local computer store. When I presented my Visa card to buy a laptop, I was told I would need a picture ID. I went back home to get my driver's license because I don't normally carry it around and I never use my work ID for identification. It's only a short ten minute walk, so no big deal. I get back to the store and give the cashier my license. She calls the manager, he looks at my license, and flashes it back and forth . He puts it back on the counter and without even looking at me, tells the cashier not to accept it because it's a fake !! I am stunned and tell him so. He tells me that a "good" license has a hologram on it and me stupid, why I even bothered I don't know, tell him that there is a hologram on it. He says it's not the right kind of hologram !!
The cashier pipes in and says I can use my health card as ID. Me, continuing to be stupid, take out my health card and tell the cashier that legally she isn't allowed to ask for a health card as ID. Well, now three people are looking at my health card scrutinizing it. I don't know why this third guy had to get into the act ,but no matter. I get very annoyed and tell them to forget the whole thing . Just as I am about to leave the cashier says that it doesn't matter because my transaction has been declined by Visa. I call her an idiot, and the store manager a moron, and I walk out. It was a Sunday so there really wasn't much I could do about it except fire off an email to the head office of this store.
This morning I call Visa and they tell me there was no reason for the sale to be declined. Then I went over to the drivers license bureau which is in the same mall as the computer store. I tell them about the fake ID incident. They call the Ministry of Transportation and verify that my license if fine . I go back to the store and buy a cable for my modem, it was just a few bucks and I paid cash. It was they same idiot cashier and manager. After making my purchase I tell them that I checked with Visa and there in nothing wrong with my card and that I also checked with the license bureau and my drivers license is fine. I also said I had reported the incident by email, but that I was sending a complaint letter to there head office. Did they care ? No they told me to get out of the store because they really weren't interested in dealing with a person who tries to use fake ID !! I called them both idiots, morons and told them where to go. I was so angry.They threatened me with the mall cop.
Now you are wondering why on earth did I go back to that store and why did I spend money there? Two reasons: I wanted to see what their reaction would be and I also wanted a record of the store number and the sales clerk ID# My memory is very poor and if there is one thing I have learned from my work grievance, is you better have your facts straight or an incident can, and will, be used against you.
So this evening I have some letters to write. I don't really want to because I have so many other things on my plate. Still, I really think these people need to face their stupidity and apologize to me
One good thing. I'm very pleased with the work on my stairs and walkway. These young men from Back Yard Boys, are very professional and do excellent work. It's going to look fantastic when it's done and I won't have to worry about falling down the stairs anymore. Hey when people deserve compliments I give them. When they deserve my wrath, I give that too.
Now where's the Advil ?
Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009
Blog Action Day
Nat @ London Calling reminded me that today is Blog Action Day on Climate Change.
My post is short. Here's a link to "Ontario Drive Clean" which by coincidence is ten years old. I don't own a car and I don't believe in car ownership. We have adapted our lifestyle to the car instead of the car adapting to us. Instead of living in the suburbs and driving everywhere, do like me. Buy a dumpy house in the ghetto and walk everywhere or use public transit. You will feel better and so will the earth. If you have to drive a car, at least keep it clean to save the air we breathe. It also reduces the effects of climate change.
Oh yeah and you will save on gas too, which I notice the price is going up again.
My post is short. Here's a link to "Ontario Drive Clean" which by coincidence is ten years old. I don't own a car and I don't believe in car ownership. We have adapted our lifestyle to the car instead of the car adapting to us. Instead of living in the suburbs and driving everywhere, do like me. Buy a dumpy house in the ghetto and walk everywhere or use public transit. You will feel better and so will the earth. If you have to drive a car, at least keep it clean to save the air we breathe. It also reduces the effects of climate change.
Oh yeah and you will save on gas too, which I notice the price is going up again.
Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009
David Suzuki and Alt Nobel
David Suzuki says he feels humiliated about winning the alternative Nobel prize for the environment because Canada is failing it's obligations on climate change.
Shame on us !!
Shame on us !!
A Turkey Ending
Not much to say about the Thanksgiving weekend. Plans made, revised, cancelled, revised. Mostly to do with the diabolical weather, that made sure that when there were outdoor activities (fairs, festivals) it poured rain or was freezing cold. Sad because these are yearly events. When they are ruined there's not much you can do, except wait till next year. End result is I had an alt dinner of Indian Butter Chicken. Yes I ditched the traditional meal. I have cooked so many turkey dinners;it was time for a change.
Today I'm exhausted. I have a pattern of having a good day, followed by a bad one. It's still a shock to wake up in the morning and feel so awful. I think of all the things I need to do and I cry. I'm always trying to bargain "Please let me have a good day so I can get such and such done, "so I can see so and so and they won't worry " "so I can not have an anxiety attack or a brain freeze or pee my pants, at the worst possible moment" There are no bargains to be made. Last week I was jealous when a friend said he felt refreshed after a good night's sleep. I can't remember the last time I felt that way. The best I can do these days is to feel OK. The MS roller coaster does what it pleases and either I hold on for the ride, or I give up. Those are my choices. I choose the ride. Some days it really sucks and others it's tolerable. What else can I do except keep going?
Attention to The Obama defenders. You are becoming similar to the Bush defenders, who would tell me " don't you dare criticize our wonderful President "you commie, lesbian, pot smoker" (Anyone who supports gay rights is a lesbian). Now, instead it's " don't you dare criticize our wonderful president you racist, ungrateful, moocher".
Relax OK? If the guy is so wonderful he will survive anything thrown at him. He has to take his lumps too, just like everybody else. That's politics. To loosely quote Mario Cuomo " the politics of campaigning is poetry, the politics of governing is prose ".
I will never mention the subject again, as I have more important things to worry about in my own country, although our dollar is going way up and our economy is creating jobs, so there is hope. Oh yeah and I still have my universal health care .
Today I'm exhausted. I have a pattern of having a good day, followed by a bad one. It's still a shock to wake up in the morning and feel so awful. I think of all the things I need to do and I cry. I'm always trying to bargain "Please let me have a good day so I can get such and such done, "so I can see so and so and they won't worry " "so I can not have an anxiety attack or a brain freeze or pee my pants, at the worst possible moment" There are no bargains to be made. Last week I was jealous when a friend said he felt refreshed after a good night's sleep. I can't remember the last time I felt that way. The best I can do these days is to feel OK. The MS roller coaster does what it pleases and either I hold on for the ride, or I give up. Those are my choices. I choose the ride. Some days it really sucks and others it's tolerable. What else can I do except keep going?
Attention to The Obama defenders. You are becoming similar to the Bush defenders, who would tell me " don't you dare criticize our wonderful President "you commie, lesbian, pot smoker" (Anyone who supports gay rights is a lesbian). Now, instead it's " don't you dare criticize our wonderful president you racist, ungrateful, moocher".
Relax OK? If the guy is so wonderful he will survive anything thrown at him. He has to take his lumps too, just like everybody else. That's politics. To loosely quote Mario Cuomo " the politics of campaigning is poetry, the politics of governing is prose ".
I will never mention the subject again, as I have more important things to worry about in my own country, although our dollar is going way up and our economy is creating jobs, so there is hope. Oh yeah and I still have my universal health care .
Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009
100 or 1000 years ?
Last night's Mega Art crawl was a washout due to heavy rain, so instead today I'm going to talk about the environment or rather about three news stories I read, heard, and saw this morning. Yeah I'm a news junkie. Not sure if it does me any good. Like all addicts I rationalize my habit trying to convince myself that being in the know matters. Then I realize that what goes on in the world is out of my control, that human behaviour is unpredictable, and we are doomed to continue making the same mistakes. Then again, maybe not. So I keep listening, reading, watching.
Oh and while I'm writing this Martha Stewart, is on the tube introducing her show "Everyday Food" That's were she does all the talking and other people do the cooking. Yeah, they do the cooking because you need an army to make one of these meals. These shows discourage cooking by making it all seem so complicated and requiring many gadgets and appliances. No wonder people eat so much junk food.
My first eco news story is taken from The Toronto Star. Hippie Eco Activist Stewart Brand, who wrote the Whole Earth catalog, says "The Greens" should grow up. He advocates building more nuclear power plants to save the planet. He justifies this stance by stating that it doesn't matter if nuclear waste will be around for 1,00 years because we most likely will only last another 100. Very encouraging words !!
Next is Guy Laliberte founder of Cirque du Soliel who paid $35 mil to become an astronaut on the International Space Station Here's a link to his space show to promote One Drop, an organization that works to clean up our water.
Finally, the most interesting eco story I saw was on BBC world. Masai warriors, who once hunted lions are now doing there bit to save them. They have been equipped with electronic tracking devices to determine where the lions are and what they are up to. Their hunting skills make the Masai ideal for this task. It is hoped this will help cut down on poaching and allow researchers to figure out how to preserve the big cats in the wild. Sorry I can't find a link to this story it was a t.v. newscast.
Now I have to tend to my clogged kitchen sink by pouring "eco friendly" drain cleaner down it. Wow! it sure doesn't smell like friendly stuff
Oh and while I'm writing this Martha Stewart, is on the tube introducing her show "Everyday Food" That's were she does all the talking and other people do the cooking. Yeah, they do the cooking because you need an army to make one of these meals. These shows discourage cooking by making it all seem so complicated and requiring many gadgets and appliances. No wonder people eat so much junk food.
My first eco news story is taken from The Toronto Star. Hippie Eco Activist Stewart Brand, who wrote the Whole Earth catalog, says "The Greens" should grow up. He advocates building more nuclear power plants to save the planet. He justifies this stance by stating that it doesn't matter if nuclear waste will be around for 1,00 years because we most likely will only last another 100. Very encouraging words !!
Next is Guy Laliberte founder of Cirque du Soliel who paid $35 mil to become an astronaut on the International Space Station Here's a link to his space show to promote One Drop, an organization that works to clean up our water.
Finally, the most interesting eco story I saw was on BBC world. Masai warriors, who once hunted lions are now doing there bit to save them. They have been equipped with electronic tracking devices to determine where the lions are and what they are up to. Their hunting skills make the Masai ideal for this task. It is hoped this will help cut down on poaching and allow researchers to figure out how to preserve the big cats in the wild. Sorry I can't find a link to this story it was a t.v. newscast.
Now I have to tend to my clogged kitchen sink by pouring "eco friendly" drain cleaner down it. Wow! it sure doesn't smell like friendly stuff
Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009
Nobel Also Rans
With today's news of Obama winning the Nobel peace prize, I thought I'd post a link to a story of Nobel also rans, who should have one.
Does the president of the United States really deserve a Nobel ? and if so Why ?
Does the president of the United States really deserve a Nobel ? and if so Why ?
Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009
Recession ? Really ?
You would never know there is a recession around here. The frustration I'm having with contractors.
Two weeks ago I had a guy come around to give me an estimate for a new walkway and stairs for the front of my house. He had done work on a place down the street and I really liked it. OK, so he comes over, is very polite, shows me the brochures, and discusses what should be done. I'm impressed and tell him to go ahead with the job.
He says he will be back the following week with an invoice and pick up a deposit.
Great! Wonderful! We shake hands on it and chat for awhile.
A week goes by I don't hear from him . I call to ask what's going on. He says he will be around on Friday. They are so busy because everyone wants to take advantage of the government tax rebate for home renovations. Friday he's a no show. The weekend goes by and I don't hear anything. I call him Monday morning and leave a message. Here it is Tuesday and still nothing.
Now the company that is doing my new windows( been in business 35 years) calls and says that they can't do them till December, because mine is a custom order and takes longer. December !! This Canada man. They tell me not to worry they will replace them one at a time and compensate me for any extra heating bill. Sorry but they are so busy because of the tax rebate. Ah yes so busy, but not too busy to take my deposit, which if I had known I would have kept and use it to do my Christmas shopping. I guess new windows are what Santa is bringing this year, so to heck with my plans.
Don't even get me started talking about the cable company, who when I tell them that my cable doesn't work properly when it's raining, they don't believe me and insist I need a new digital box. They too are Oh So Busy, and threaten me with a $100 billing if the cable problem is my fault !! Then there's the plumber and the guy who is supposed to do my flooring and painting. They are so busy too.
Now I'm wondering if this entire tax rebate thing is such a good idea. Yeah OK, it's supposed to be good for the economy. However when I read about local governments not being able to met their budgets and cut backs( you just wait and see they haven't even begun) maybe our tax dollars shouldn't go to prop up business.
Build lousy cars that nobody wants? Hey don't worry the government will bail you out. Run a dodgy bank? No problem, there's lots of tax money for you. Home sales are down and business is bad? Well here's this nifty tax rebate that will encourage people to get their old house fixed. And don't worry, because even if there's no money they will just make more of it and sink us all into debt.
End result? Nobody has to try, nobody has to compete, nobody has to give customer service or even provide a simple courtesy like a phone call. Big Brother is out their and no matter how much you screw up he will help you. And the suckers?, well they just have to keep paying. What a sweet deal. Just wait till the real bill comes due and their aren't enough people to pay it.
I read an article in The Independent, that California may become the first of many failed states. California! The richest state in the richest country in the world.
As I write this, on the radio news, the buzz is that Australia is raising interests rates and the stock markets love it. Whoopee ! The recovery is here !!
Yeah but for who ?
Two weeks ago I had a guy come around to give me an estimate for a new walkway and stairs for the front of my house. He had done work on a place down the street and I really liked it. OK, so he comes over, is very polite, shows me the brochures, and discusses what should be done. I'm impressed and tell him to go ahead with the job.
He says he will be back the following week with an invoice and pick up a deposit.
Great! Wonderful! We shake hands on it and chat for awhile.
A week goes by I don't hear from him . I call to ask what's going on. He says he will be around on Friday. They are so busy because everyone wants to take advantage of the government tax rebate for home renovations. Friday he's a no show. The weekend goes by and I don't hear anything. I call him Monday morning and leave a message. Here it is Tuesday and still nothing.
Now the company that is doing my new windows( been in business 35 years) calls and says that they can't do them till December, because mine is a custom order and takes longer. December !! This Canada man. They tell me not to worry they will replace them one at a time and compensate me for any extra heating bill. Sorry but they are so busy because of the tax rebate. Ah yes so busy, but not too busy to take my deposit, which if I had known I would have kept and use it to do my Christmas shopping. I guess new windows are what Santa is bringing this year, so to heck with my plans.
Don't even get me started talking about the cable company, who when I tell them that my cable doesn't work properly when it's raining, they don't believe me and insist I need a new digital box. They too are Oh So Busy, and threaten me with a $100 billing if the cable problem is my fault !! Then there's the plumber and the guy who is supposed to do my flooring and painting. They are so busy too.
Now I'm wondering if this entire tax rebate thing is such a good idea. Yeah OK, it's supposed to be good for the economy. However when I read about local governments not being able to met their budgets and cut backs( you just wait and see they haven't even begun) maybe our tax dollars shouldn't go to prop up business.
Build lousy cars that nobody wants? Hey don't worry the government will bail you out. Run a dodgy bank? No problem, there's lots of tax money for you. Home sales are down and business is bad? Well here's this nifty tax rebate that will encourage people to get their old house fixed. And don't worry, because even if there's no money they will just make more of it and sink us all into debt.
End result? Nobody has to try, nobody has to compete, nobody has to give customer service or even provide a simple courtesy like a phone call. Big Brother is out their and no matter how much you screw up he will help you. And the suckers?, well they just have to keep paying. What a sweet deal. Just wait till the real bill comes due and their aren't enough people to pay it.
I read an article in The Independent, that California may become the first of many failed states. California! The richest state in the richest country in the world.
As I write this, on the radio news, the buzz is that Australia is raising interests rates and the stock markets love it. Whoopee ! The recovery is here !!
Yeah but for who ?
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