OK I have given up daytime soaps. Not just because they are disgusting but also have pathetic plots, worst dialogue ever, and terrible actors.
Another reason I don't watch day time t.v. are the commercials, infomercials, and misinformation passing as news. I just can't handle it. I really should laugh at this stuff, but I can't. There are millions of people out there absorbing all this as truth. I mean, it must work otherwise they wouldn't keep doing it.
One so called news spot I really hate; to the point of wanting to write the t.v. station, is a segement called "Today is the Day", a health and fitness feature.
The exercises they show look dangerous and will wreck your joints. One exercise they were demonstrating was a variation of push ups. The fitness instructor did at least say you needed a spotter to help you. Yeah no kidding! You kneel on the floor and put you hands on fitness balls. You know the ones that are meant for balance excercises. Then you stretch out and balance yourself on these while doing push ups. Pushing up and down on them while trying to stop them from rolling around. A good way to land smack on your face!! Even the very fit demonstrator was struggling to do it.
Why bother? There are lots of ways to keep fit without straining your wrists and demolishing your face.
Then there is the nutrition advice. They have some idiot who wrote a book (they always have a book). This guy gives the most pointless, stupid, nutritional advice.
If you follow his 7 criteria for eating something you will end up having very little variety in your diet. Isn't that one of the reasosn why diets fail? Because people get bored eating skinless chicken and steamed vegetables? Yeah I like dark greens in my salad but iceberg lettuce gives crunch to a sandwich !! So what if it is 95% water. So are we.
I'm going back to watching old movies. Even if I do have to occasionally see the "Sham Wow" guy.
Jumat, 26 Maret 2010
Selasa, 23 Maret 2010
Day Time Television
My adventure continues into this week. I'm hoping it will be done by next Monday.
Surprised to find out the passenger list for the train from Ontario to New York is submitted to Homeland Security. If you cross the border in a car they don't know who you are till you get there, but if you travel by train they do. Something not right about that.
I'm not much of a t.v. watcher and rarely turn on the tube during the day. I prefer to listen to the online radio while I work. Recently though I have been watching the soap All My Children(AMC). I don't need to watch everyday; Monday and Friday are the only times anything happens on this show. I got curious about AMC because a friend of mine uses it as an example of "female porn" in his "Propaganda and Mass Media" course. Female porn refers to fantasies that women have about men and very different than the ones men have about women. A good example is the Pine Sol commercial, with the woman lounging on a bed covered in rose petals, while a hunky topless male mops the floors. The fantasies usually have chocolate in them too.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry over AMC. It is so ridiculous that I can't take it seriously and yet at the same time I'm depressed by what goes on. One of the main characters, Erica Kane (played by Susan Lucci) has been married ten times, and has had several affairs, yet at least once a week she muses about finding that special someone she will spend the rest of her life with.
Talk about silly romantic notions! Yeah you will meet that perfect someone, but you don't have to do anything (like maybe act like a decent loving person?) it will just happen and it will be perfect.
Then you have the selfish spoiled rich boy, who is upset because Oh!, now people expect him to be nice to the person who donated bone marrow to save his life! This person, happens to be his father's current scheming conniving young wife that the spoiled boy hates. His sister hates her too. So the plan is to use this gift as a way to get back at her and get the father to divorce her. Forgetting of course that Dad has already been married several times himself and will just find another bimbo for them to hate.
I could go on and on here about the disgusting, slutty, selfish, destructive, characters. What is even more laughable( or cryable?) is the constant talk about how important family is and how much they love their children, even though half the time they need DNA tests to figure out who the fathers are of these kids!!
I'm not a prude and I sure don't want us to go back to the 1950's when everything was shoved in the closet, but I think we really have gone too far.
Is all entertainment now about people who have no sense of decency? Every woman a scheming slut and every man a pig? Swearing is commmon place and everything is a put down. What's so wrong about having some morals?
Surprised to find out the passenger list for the train from Ontario to New York is submitted to Homeland Security. If you cross the border in a car they don't know who you are till you get there, but if you travel by train they do. Something not right about that.
I'm not much of a t.v. watcher and rarely turn on the tube during the day. I prefer to listen to the online radio while I work. Recently though I have been watching the soap All My Children(AMC). I don't need to watch everyday; Monday and Friday are the only times anything happens on this show. I got curious about AMC because a friend of mine uses it as an example of "female porn" in his "Propaganda and Mass Media" course. Female porn refers to fantasies that women have about men and very different than the ones men have about women. A good example is the Pine Sol commercial, with the woman lounging on a bed covered in rose petals, while a hunky topless male mops the floors. The fantasies usually have chocolate in them too.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry over AMC. It is so ridiculous that I can't take it seriously and yet at the same time I'm depressed by what goes on. One of the main characters, Erica Kane (played by Susan Lucci) has been married ten times, and has had several affairs, yet at least once a week she muses about finding that special someone she will spend the rest of her life with.
Talk about silly romantic notions! Yeah you will meet that perfect someone, but you don't have to do anything (like maybe act like a decent loving person?) it will just happen and it will be perfect.
Then you have the selfish spoiled rich boy, who is upset because Oh!, now people expect him to be nice to the person who donated bone marrow to save his life! This person, happens to be his father's current scheming conniving young wife that the spoiled boy hates. His sister hates her too. So the plan is to use this gift as a way to get back at her and get the father to divorce her. Forgetting of course that Dad has already been married several times himself and will just find another bimbo for them to hate.
I could go on and on here about the disgusting, slutty, selfish, destructive, characters. What is even more laughable( or cryable?) is the constant talk about how important family is and how much they love their children, even though half the time they need DNA tests to figure out who the fathers are of these kids!!
I'm not a prude and I sure don't want us to go back to the 1950's when everything was shoved in the closet, but I think we really have gone too far.
Is all entertainment now about people who have no sense of decency? Every woman a scheming slut and every man a pig? Swearing is commmon place and everything is a put down. What's so wrong about having some morals?
Minggu, 21 Maret 2010
Spring and Falcons
Spring is here and the Falcons have returned to the nest at the Sheraton Hotel
From the Falconwatch website:
March 21, 2010 - As Falconwatch starts each season, one of our tasks is to confirm the identity of the adult Peregrines. While it is relatively easy to distinguish between larger females and smaller males, it is not always as easy to tell individual birds apart. Three times in the history of the Sheraton Hamilton nest site an adult has been replaced by another of the same gender without any fuss to signal to Falconwatchers that a change has occurred. For this reason each year we try to confirm identities by getting a good look at the bands on the legs of the adult falcons. We are pleased to advise that, as of yesterday afternoon, we can confirm the presence once again of Madame X and Surge. Falconwatch 2010 has begun. Stay tuned!"
This past week I had an orange seized by U.S. customs. It's OK for an orange to travel all the way from California to the grocery store in Hamilton, Ontario but it's not OK for the same orange to cross the border from Canada to New York State.
I was allowed to keep my banana from South America!
Why does spell check no longer work on my blog?
From the Falconwatch website:
March 21, 2010 - As Falconwatch starts each season, one of our tasks is to confirm the identity of the adult Peregrines. While it is relatively easy to distinguish between larger females and smaller males, it is not always as easy to tell individual birds apart. Three times in the history of the Sheraton Hamilton nest site an adult has been replaced by another of the same gender without any fuss to signal to Falconwatchers that a change has occurred. For this reason each year we try to confirm identities by getting a good look at the bands on the legs of the adult falcons. We are pleased to advise that, as of yesterday afternoon, we can confirm the presence once again of Madame X and Surge. Falconwatch 2010 has begun. Stay tuned!"
This past week I had an orange seized by U.S. customs. It's OK for an orange to travel all the way from California to the grocery store in Hamilton, Ontario but it's not OK for the same orange to cross the border from Canada to New York State.
I was allowed to keep my banana from South America!
Why does spell check no longer work on my blog?
Where In The World Is Blinders Off

The passing of the Health Care Reform bill is not the best reform toward the Health Care Industry, but it is a start. When are you leaving Limbaugh?
Kamis, 18 Maret 2010
Free The Scott Sisters

This is a story that needs ATTENTION! The time given to the Scott Sisters is an abuse of the Justice System....UNBELIEVABLE
I could not just read this and not participate by posting it on my blog. I hope the readers that come to this blog make the calls or write the letters after reading what happened to the Scott Sisters. The following is a copy and paste from the mother of the Scott Sisters blog:
Jamie Scott, who was convicted with her sister Gladys Scott and given double-life sentences each for an $11.00 robbery of which there was no credible evidence presented at trial, is suffering from complete kidney failure and other life-threatening medical conditions. The prison is aware of Jamie’s current condition yet Jamie remains in the prison infirmary.*
Mrs. Rasco and Afrosphere Bloggers are calling on the public to request that elected and prison officials in Mississippi immediately move Jamie to qualified medical facilities where she can receive proper medical care forthwith. We also ask that the media do investigative inquiry about this tragic situation and the outrageous case of the wrongfully convicted Scott Sisters!
P.O. Box 139
Jackson, Mississippi 39205
1-877-405-0733 or 601-359-3150
Fax: 601-359-3741
(If you reach VM leave msgs, faxes, and please send letters)
Christopher Epps, Commissioner of Prisons for the State of Mississippi
723 North President Street
Jackson, MS 39202
Congressman Bennie Thompson
3607 Medgar Evers Blvd.
Jackson, MS 39213
601-982-5337 (fx)
Congressman John Conyers
2426 Rayburn H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515
Ph: 202-225-5126
Fax: 202-225-0072
On 12/24/93, the Scott County Sheriff’s Department arrested Jamie and Gladys Scott for armed robbery even though three young males, ranging from ages 14 to 18, confessed to committing the crime and the women have unwaveringly maintained their complete innocence. Despite this, the corrupt Mississippi sheriff used coercion, threats, and harassment to compel the young men to turn state’s evidence against the Scott Sisters due to a long-standing vendetta against a family member. In 10/94 the Scott Sisters were sentenced to extraordinary double-life terms each, despite the facts that no one was harmed, neither sister had prior convictions, no weapon was ever recovered, and the amount alleged to have been taken was approximately $11.00. Even if they were guilty as charged, this sentence is completely outrageous and cruel.
The Scott Sisters are now in their 15th year of incarceration and their five children and grandchildren are being raised by their now ailing mother. The defendants and their family are wholly dependent on support from the press, organizations, and all those dedicated to justice in making this debacle as public as possible.
Their Story has had some success in getting media of late, the most notable being a very brief mention on HLN’s “Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell”, a clip of which is available to view here:
*Although Jamie was recently hospitalized due to a life-threatening infection, she continues to require ongoing close monitoring as once returned to the prison it has been proven on many occasions that are well documented at the website that the medical staff there has provided abysmal health care that has put Jamie's life at risk far too many times to be acceptable.
Selasa, 16 Maret 2010
Vapour Dreams
Yes another post about THC vapour.
Interesting how every batch of weed seems to have a different effect. This past week I have had some strange and lovely day dreams or should I say evening dreams, since that is the only time I use the stuff.
I dreamt of my late Aunt Aline, imagining her cottage in the Laurentians. We would spend afternoons picking raspberries or go for a swim in the creek that had a little waterfall. In the morning we sat on the veranda and sipped tea from her beautiful china mugs that were covered in a pink rose pattern. She had a huge flower garden that attracted humming birds.
I started to cry, realizing I will never go to that cottage again and never see her again. Why did she have to die so young? Why was her life so filled with tragedy?
Then my mind drifted to thoughts of food( no munchies thank goodness) and I started to make a list of all my favourite fruits: California oranges, raspberries, Niagara peaches and pears, watermelon. Mmmm I could taste each and every one.
I closed my eyes, Debussy was playing on the radio, although I can't remember which piece. I put my right hand on my forehead and it felt like it was inside my head. That sounds odd, but it was a very pleasant feeling, very comforting. I sat there and felt the music all around and inside. Pretty trippy stuff for me.
Tomorrow I am starting an adventure, which I can't talk about yet. If things go well I will post later in the week. If things go bad, I will still post later in the week.
Interesting how every batch of weed seems to have a different effect. This past week I have had some strange and lovely day dreams or should I say evening dreams, since that is the only time I use the stuff.
I dreamt of my late Aunt Aline, imagining her cottage in the Laurentians. We would spend afternoons picking raspberries or go for a swim in the creek that had a little waterfall. In the morning we sat on the veranda and sipped tea from her beautiful china mugs that were covered in a pink rose pattern. She had a huge flower garden that attracted humming birds.
I started to cry, realizing I will never go to that cottage again and never see her again. Why did she have to die so young? Why was her life so filled with tragedy?
Then my mind drifted to thoughts of food( no munchies thank goodness) and I started to make a list of all my favourite fruits: California oranges, raspberries, Niagara peaches and pears, watermelon. Mmmm I could taste each and every one.
I closed my eyes, Debussy was playing on the radio, although I can't remember which piece. I put my right hand on my forehead and it felt like it was inside my head. That sounds odd, but it was a very pleasant feeling, very comforting. I sat there and felt the music all around and inside. Pretty trippy stuff for me.
Tomorrow I am starting an adventure, which I can't talk about yet. If things go well I will post later in the week. If things go bad, I will still post later in the week.
The following came to me by an email...Whoevever came up with it did a good job!
Due to the current financial situation caused by the slowdown in the economy, Congress has decided to implement a scheme to put workers of 50 years of age and above on early retirement, thus creating jobs and reducing unemployment.
This scheme will be known as RAPE (Retire Aged People Early).
Persons selected to be RAPED can apply to Congress to be considered for the SHAFT program (Special Help After Forced Termination).
Persons who have been RAPED and SHAFTED will be reviewed under the SCREW program (System Covering Retired-Early Workers).
A person may be RAPED once, SHAFTED twice and SCREWED as many times as Congress deems appropriate.
Persons who have been RAPED could get AIDS (Additional Income for Dependents & Spouse) or HERPES (Half Earnings for Retired Personnel Early Severance).
Obviously persons who have AIDS or HERPES will not be SHAFTED or SCREWED any further by Congress.
Persons who are not RAPED and are staying on will receive as much SHIT (Special High Intensity Training) as possible. Congress has always prided themselves on the amount of SHIT they give our citizens.
Should you feel that you do not receive enough SHIT, please bring this to the attention of your Congressman, who has been trained to give you all the SHIT you can handle.
The Committee for Economic Value of Individual Lives (E.V.I.L.)
PS - - Due to recent budget cuts and the rising cost of electricity, gas and oil, as well as current market conditions, the Light at the End of the Tunnel has been turned off.
Minggu, 14 Maret 2010
Not Bashful Being a Racist

Racist are in many American Cities and Towns...It is time to CALL THEM OUT when they reveal themselves in a city or town near you.
Besides living with Multiple Sclerosis, I live in a town that has a reputation of being racist. I am the first to say when the military moved my family to Millington TN in 1995; I thought I was in the twilight zone. I hated the small town outside the Mid-South Navy Support Activity with a passion in the first two years living in Tennessee. I hated it so much I threaten to divorce my husband because I wanted to leave this small southern town that was twenty-two miles away from where Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated.
The fact of the matter is Millington deserved its reputation. However, I am a person who will confront racism and a bigot head on. I had to confront it with bigot teachers working for the Shelby County School System in Millington who tried to use the stroke of their pen to ruin my daughters' lives. I had to confront it with bigots who held supervisory positions during my employment on the Naval Base. I had to confront it with local bigot store owners. I had to confront it with bigots in my local government officials.
One would think confronting racism against me or one of my children in Millington that I would high tail my family out of Tennessee when my husband retired from the Military in 2000. I promise you my intention was to get the he** out of Tennessee when my husband retired. Obviously, there is truth to Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, but I am just going to quote verse one here "To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven."
I would be lying to say Millington is the same city it was when my family and I first moved here. Yes, Millington still has a short way to go, just like America has a long way to go. In reality, Millington is a diamond in the rough. There are more people who lived here all their lives and people like myself who have made Millington their home that are against RACISICM and BIGOTS. The bigots in this town are the minority just as they are the minority in the United States. If that was not so Barack Obama would not be President today.
When a cockroach of a person is cornered or feel they are losing control, they will do whatever it takes to get out of that corner and take back control. That is what the racist in America are doing now. They are no longer hiding their faces; today they are proud to wear their hatred as a badge of honor. It is disheartening to be hated because of the color of your skin, but I for one will not allow the ignorance of a few have me believe that of all. I will continue to fight against it head on. This post is because of a racist Millington business man who called the 44th President of the Unite States "A Fucking Nigger".
I prefer a racist showing their face...Thanks Ackerman for removing your hood and not being bashful about being a racist. It is difficult to tell who all of you are unless you openly admit it. Now that your hood is removed you have made easier exposing some more of you in Millington. An anonymous commenter said it best at Mediaverse when he or she quoted W.E.B. DuBois, "The ultimate evil in this world is ignorance. Its child is stupidity!"
Finally here is a quote from me in reference to the likes of Ackerman by C.S. Lewis “Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.”
A Variety of Crap
After nearly three solid days of rain the downpour has ended. If it had been snow? Ahhh, don't want to even think of that!
The birds decided to take refuge on my veranda all weekend. I went out this morning to sort out the recycling and Oh! what a mess. Like a giant poop bomb had exploded and covered everything and I mean everything! in muck. It took me two hours to get that cleaned up. Dear little birds I love you, but can you please find another spot to use as a toilet?
Yesterday evening a friend convinced me to go to "Sexapooloza" an adult sex show. What a pathetic joke it was. I can only describe it by saying a kids grade school science fair is more professional. They had this thing called "The Dungeon" with a sign saying no photos allowed, so I thought it was going to be something really heavy. It was a ridiculous joke! People in their street clothes leaning against a wall and supposedly getting whipped; when all they were doing is brushing them lightly with a long piece of black cloth. The staff weren't even dressed up! The vendors were selling the typical junk you find in adult stores. Cheap lingerie, toys, and enough lubricant to moisten the entire world population. Who knew there were so many different versions of that stuff!
They had a stage show with the skinniest, ugliest, most badly dressed, male and female strippers. And the horrible music !! So loud and awful. There were cardboard cut outs that you could put your face in and have your picture taken. I won't even bother to describe them they where that stupid.
There was something childish about the whole affair, like a bunch of male teenagers had gotten together and punked all of us. Why can't we ever seem to get sexuality right? We either brand it as sinful, turn it into a medical process, treat it as porn, or act silly about it.
If this thing comes to your town save yourself $10.00 and stay home.
The birds decided to take refuge on my veranda all weekend. I went out this morning to sort out the recycling and Oh! what a mess. Like a giant poop bomb had exploded and covered everything and I mean everything! in muck. It took me two hours to get that cleaned up. Dear little birds I love you, but can you please find another spot to use as a toilet?
Yesterday evening a friend convinced me to go to "Sexapooloza" an adult sex show. What a pathetic joke it was. I can only describe it by saying a kids grade school science fair is more professional. They had this thing called "The Dungeon" with a sign saying no photos allowed, so I thought it was going to be something really heavy. It was a ridiculous joke! People in their street clothes leaning against a wall and supposedly getting whipped; when all they were doing is brushing them lightly with a long piece of black cloth. The staff weren't even dressed up! The vendors were selling the typical junk you find in adult stores. Cheap lingerie, toys, and enough lubricant to moisten the entire world population. Who knew there were so many different versions of that stuff!
They had a stage show with the skinniest, ugliest, most badly dressed, male and female strippers. And the horrible music !! So loud and awful. There were cardboard cut outs that you could put your face in and have your picture taken. I won't even bother to describe them they where that stupid.
There was something childish about the whole affair, like a bunch of male teenagers had gotten together and punked all of us. Why can't we ever seem to get sexuality right? We either brand it as sinful, turn it into a medical process, treat it as porn, or act silly about it.
If this thing comes to your town save yourself $10.00 and stay home.
Jumat, 12 Maret 2010
Oh! I have a rotten cold. My head feels like a watermelon with a spike stuck in it. It makes me feel even more fatigued. Hard to belive that is possible.
Had to go for an EKG this week. No, nothing wrong with my heart. I mention it only because I had something a bit odd happen.
The technician told me to strip from the waist up. She didn't give me a gown or sheet. I asked if I should remove my bra and she said yes and still no cover up offered. She told me to lie down and I did, still no sheet, no nothin. So there I was semi naked having this test done. Not a big deal, just made me feel funny. I guess the test was so quick, about two minutes, that it wasn't worth wasting linens on me?
The Paralympics began in Vancouver today. Nice to see the tribute to Terry Fox.
Had to go for an EKG this week. No, nothing wrong with my heart. I mention it only because I had something a bit odd happen.
The technician told me to strip from the waist up. She didn't give me a gown or sheet. I asked if I should remove my bra and she said yes and still no cover up offered. She told me to lie down and I did, still no sheet, no nothin. So there I was semi naked having this test done. Not a big deal, just made me feel funny. I guess the test was so quick, about two minutes, that it wasn't worth wasting linens on me?
The Paralympics began in Vancouver today. Nice to see the tribute to Terry Fox.
Selasa, 09 Maret 2010
If you enjoy astrology have a look at these horoscopes which I think are the best. A smattering of Astronomy mixed in with Astrology to give you an understanding of how the universe shapes us.
Philip Booth use to do horoscopes for the Toronto Star and is now independent. Not silly ones like "you will meet the love of your life today and buy shoes". OK so maybe all astrology is silly, but I don't know, sometimes they really hit home.
Had my sleep interrupted by racket outside last night. In a way it was good because now I appreciate how much better and sounder I am sleeping thanks to my lovely THC vapour. I will never miss a chance to say how good it is.
My mouth is nearly recovered from the teeth pulling last week. I'm putting off dental appointments for awhile. One more tooth needs to get yanked and I'm not really in the mood for a week of feeling like I have a baseball stuffed in my mouth.
Philip Booth use to do horoscopes for the Toronto Star and is now independent. Not silly ones like "you will meet the love of your life today and buy shoes". OK so maybe all astrology is silly, but I don't know, sometimes they really hit home.
Had my sleep interrupted by racket outside last night. In a way it was good because now I appreciate how much better and sounder I am sleeping thanks to my lovely THC vapour. I will never miss a chance to say how good it is.
My mouth is nearly recovered from the teeth pulling last week. I'm putting off dental appointments for awhile. One more tooth needs to get yanked and I'm not really in the mood for a week of feeling like I have a baseball stuffed in my mouth.
Senin, 08 Maret 2010
International Women's Day Part 2
Cool that a women won an Oscar for best director on the eve of International Women's Day. Not so cool that 4 out 5 women say they have been subjected to violence and that women are losing ground when it comes to money. Women's earnings went up and peaked in the nineties, now they are falling in terms of how much they make compared to men.
And let's face it; women carry most of the burden at home too. Still do most of the chores and most of the worrying. Had a woman last week tell me she needed to pick up the kids at school and then rush to do groceries. Her husband had complained the night before that there was no food in the house!! I told her about grocery delivery and I hope she checks it out.
AND!! Sarah Palin, she who is very good at "do as I say, not as I do"; admitted she crossed the border to take advantage of Canada's health care system. It says so here Please don't tell me anyone thinks she is fit to be president.
Contrary to myth, Americans travel abroad for cheaper medical care far more than Canadians go to America for health services.
Hope all you ladies out there had a great day.
And let's face it; women carry most of the burden at home too. Still do most of the chores and most of the worrying. Had a woman last week tell me she needed to pick up the kids at school and then rush to do groceries. Her husband had complained the night before that there was no food in the house!! I told her about grocery delivery and I hope she checks it out.
AND!! Sarah Palin, she who is very good at "do as I say, not as I do"; admitted she crossed the border to take advantage of Canada's health care system. It says so here Please don't tell me anyone thinks she is fit to be president.
Contrary to myth, Americans travel abroad for cheaper medical care far more than Canadians go to America for health services.
Hope all you ladies out there had a great day.
Minggu, 07 Maret 2010
Beautiful weather outside 10C. Thought I do a quick post before I head out for a walk.
I have a bruise on the side of my face due to having two teeth pulled this week. I'll be glad when the implants go in because it feels strange to have a big gap in my mouth.
Heard back from the doctor in Albany about the CCSVI tests and clinical trials for the surgery. Doesn't mean I'm in but at least I'm on the list. Still have to look into what's happening with this at my local hospital. I know they need $350,000 more to begin their research.
I'm not knocking the Olympics but we spent $55 million on the "Own the Podium" program for 14 gold medals. My hospital has to beg for a few hundred thousand that could change the lives of thousands of people. Where are our priorities?
I have a bruise on the side of my face due to having two teeth pulled this week. I'll be glad when the implants go in because it feels strange to have a big gap in my mouth.
Heard back from the doctor in Albany about the CCSVI tests and clinical trials for the surgery. Doesn't mean I'm in but at least I'm on the list. Still have to look into what's happening with this at my local hospital. I know they need $350,000 more to begin their research.
I'm not knocking the Olympics but we spent $55 million on the "Own the Podium" program for 14 gold medals. My hospital has to beg for a few hundred thousand that could change the lives of thousands of people. Where are our priorities?
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