I decided to start something new on my blog this year. I am the first to admit I do not attend as regular as I should, but I also know God knows my heart. For the last three months, I found my self-waking up 6:00 in the morning when the broadcast of Creflo Dollar, T. D Jakes, and Joel Olsten comes on in that order.
I enjoy listening to all three. I found it strange that I was waking up without an alarm clock and I am definitely not an early morning person. I finally, accepted that maybe God is trying to tell me something and I am no longer questioning WHY I am waking up on Sunday Mornings at the time the three above T V evangelist or on air.

My first Sunday Inspiration video is special to me because my Baby Girl called me this morning she is no longer mad with me, we were able to discuss our misunderstanding like adults. We both were missing each other and in the end, I had to share with her what my parents said to me when I cried to them about our argument.
They said, “I saw myself when we had that argument and she is just like you. You did it to us and all parents go thru at least once with their child. She will realize you are her best friend and she will come around sooner than later”. I am happy it happened sooner than later because I was missing her dearly. She told me in the end our relationship is too special and she was sorry for lashing out at me, but she was more hurt that I lashed back she did not expect that. After taking a few days to her self, she realized I lashed back because she was out of line, she was no longer a child, and as she thought about it, I was speaking the truth as I always have with her and her siblings.
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