Kamis, 01 Mei 2008

The Intimidator

I was fortunate to have been born with perfect straight teeth. Over the years, every Dentist I had always complimented me on my perfect teeth. Going to the Dentist office never intimidated me until 2002. Yes, you guessed it, I had not one but three cavities, I was so scared to get my cavity filled I must have cancelled my appointment ten times before I actually went in to have it fill. My Dentist had to prescribe me a couple of Valiums to take before my appointment. My first doctor appointment out of all the doctor appointments I have the next several days was the Dentist for a cleaning. About two weeks ago, I was on a milk duds binge and one day the soft chocolate caramel stuck onto the side of my upper back tooth. Pain start radiating from that tooth and I thought to myself, “$&*%, I must have a cavity”. I immediately had a post-traumatic stress moment back to 2002.

Like a little kid, I was wishing it away and I start eating on the other side of my mouth. Well, come to find out I DID NOT have a cavity. Because of AGE, my teeth are more sensitivity and in the tooth where I had the pain the root is expose. I asked, “What do you mean my root is exposed”. She gave me a name for, but my memory is not worth a dime if I do not write it down. She also said, “You know it comes with age”. Age is the excuse for a lot when your body changes, it was bad enough when Age cause my nice round butt to go south. Then caused me to go from wearing single lenses to a very low bifocal lenses. Well, the good news is I do not have a cavity, I can possibly correct my expose root, and sensitive teeth by changing my toothpaste brand.

My Dentist gave me a sample of Sensodyne and recommended I start using it over the brand I have been using for years.Sensodyne coax the minerals in your saliva to crystallize and cover the pores in your exposed roots so that cold stimuli cannot reach the tooth nerve. I should be complaining that I now have to pay $5.69 for a tube of Sensodyne, but t beats not having to have a cavity fill.

Overall the first of many doctors’ appointments went well :)

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