This evening I would like to send out best wishes to occam, at Double Barrel Ranch. Her husband had a serious accident and requires heart and hip surgery . Luckily he had his cell phone and was able to make a calll. Still it took Search and Rescue 4 hours to locate him. May he get through his ordeal and have a swift recovery. . It's hard to find the right words when things like this happen. I'm not very good at it.
I will never bad mouth my cell phone again !
Here's a few photos taken down at the harbour today. You can see how much the babies have grown since my last shots at Mother's Day.

Not much else happening. Saw an interesting film last night "The Counterfeiters" a German film about a Nazi plot to flood Britain and the US with fake currency. A true story. They used concentration camp prisoners to do the forgeries. The work was so good that a German agent was able to have the money certified as genuine by the British government. My friend has one of the phony British pounds in his collection.
That's it for me. Not feeling too bad today . Here's a postcard blog from fellow Post crosser Potwari in Pakistan
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