Minggu, 05 April 2009

Home Office

The deal is, I get to work at home for two days per week till the end of April. If all goes well, it will be full time in May. I'm signed up for a few seminars this month and need to get my laptop up to speed to use it at home That's why it's part time for now.
The struggle isn't over yet. I'd go into more details but I'm so wasted from setting up my home office . Naturally it's one of the most inconvenient weekends, when there's nobody around to help. I pushed myself to do it because the security inspection is on Tuesday and I just know they are looking for excuses to hold things up. Am I cynical and paranoid ? Yup.
What is really sad ,is people will only do things when they are forced to and everything ends up being a fight. Why can't we be decent to each other ?

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