Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Sorry Blog

Ever have days when you simply can't handle all the inconsiderate morons and all the double talk b.s. ? How can people be so wrapped up in their own little worlds that they can't even move slightly on the elevator to let me get off with my humgous brief case.Even when I say excuse me loudly and they can see clearly that I have such a huge case. Why are there still people who think that we want to listen to their "easy listening rock" on the radio all day? Hey ! Get an Ipod. And why do people ask how my weekend was only because they want to tell me about there weekend and couldn't care less about me. And why are people so willing to believe gossip, yet will deny truth ?
That's the thing about not feeling good. I notice crap going on around me too much and can't block it out like I use to be able to do.

Came home just in time to say good bye to the fence dude. He did a great job and I have privacy. Ha Ha!! snoopy neighbour . With my high fence and even higher bushes, I have now blocked you out completely . Yeah I seem to be in an extreme anti social mood Only wish I had more energy to devote to my blog . Grinding out reports on a computer all day can really kill the creative urge. No energy left for past times.

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