Here's a few shots of the Rail Trail in Ancaster. I found another pet rock there !
Had a bad time and had to give up walking, plus it was cold out ! Everything was hurting on me so I took the bus home. Thought I wasn't going to make it, I felt so awful. Decided to chug down an energy drink which normally I only drink when I'm at work. That helped settle my stomach and got me home. Ahh, home sweet home. Felt so good to be back. Made myself some tea , had a snack and a couple of pain killers. I rallied in the evening and ended up baking a lemon meringue pie. I think that's it now for baking until the fall except for shortcake when the strawberries are in season That should be in a couple of weeks.
Things are working out pretty good working at home . Just need to get settled into a routine and then the next step will be to get my after work life sorted out. Oh!there are so many things that need to get done on my long, long, list.
I'm really feeling crappy, so I think I'll finish this and go have a shower
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