Debra Purdy has won here case . Read about the decision here
and here .Read my post from yesterday for details.
Although I am happy for her, I hope Debra Purdy will choose to continue to live . I can't imagine what life must be like for her and I agree that we should be allowed to die with dignity. My concern is people will think that MS is unbearable and ends in death.
Yes we are all going to die, but MS is not a death sentence.
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
Rabu, 29 Juli 2009
Purdy Decison Tomorrow
Tomorrow Britain's highest court will decide the assisted suicide case of Debra Purdy . Read about it here
Debra Purdy, who has MS, wants her husband to accompany her to Switzerland, were she intends to end her life through assissted suicide. She wants to make sure he will not be prosecuted for doing so. Currently the law isn't enforced, however you can face a prison sentence for aiding a person in this way.
I'll post an update tomorrow.
Day one of THC vapour. Trying to tell myself it doesn't work, only it does. I felt relaxed and had a better night's sleep , meaning I only woke up twice instead of the usual four times. Did it really lessen the tingling and burning sensation in my feet ? I will post an update on this too, later in the week. I want to see if the effect is consistent or was simply wishful thinking.
Debra Purdy, who has MS, wants her husband to accompany her to Switzerland, were she intends to end her life through assissted suicide. She wants to make sure he will not be prosecuted for doing so. Currently the law isn't enforced, however you can face a prison sentence for aiding a person in this way.
I'll post an update tomorrow.
Day one of THC vapour. Trying to tell myself it doesn't work, only it does. I felt relaxed and had a better night's sleep , meaning I only woke up twice instead of the usual four times. Did it really lessen the tingling and burning sensation in my feet ? I will post an update on this too, later in the week. I want to see if the effect is consistent or was simply wishful thinking.
Senin, 27 Juli 2009
Count To Ten, Count To Ten
Today was the most frustrating of work days . Any and every thing, that could go wrong did. I was so annoyed, I flipped out and was ranting about the stupid bureaucracy, and the stupid old decrepit laptop, and stupid everything. Counting to ten doesn't work for me. At least I do settle down quickly after one of my rants. I justify them by saying they are therapeutic and pointing out how low my blood pressure is. Really though I am not happy when I freak out like that.
My son is buying me a vapourizer so I can try the THC vapour to see if that will help keep me calm . I'm also hoping it will lessen the anxiety attacks. I'm not a druggie and I've never smoked dope except to try it a couple of times when I was a teenager. I do think it's worth trying the THC, as it is supposed to work and I think it is easier on the system than other drugs I have tried. I'll post an update on how that goes.

At the harbour this evening. Couldn't get a photo of the swans with all their heads up. They were too busy eating to co operate. Anybody know if this is a woodchuck or a ground hog ? Ran into this cute little guy on my walk. Having good luck seeing critters this summer.
My son is buying me a vapourizer so I can try the THC vapour to see if that will help keep me calm . I'm also hoping it will lessen the anxiety attacks. I'm not a druggie and I've never smoked dope except to try it a couple of times when I was a teenager. I do think it's worth trying the THC, as it is supposed to work and I think it is easier on the system than other drugs I have tried. I'll post an update on how that goes.
At the harbour this evening. Couldn't get a photo of the swans with all their heads up. They were too busy eating to co operate. Anybody know if this is a woodchuck or a ground hog ? Ran into this cute little guy on my walk. Having good luck seeing critters this summer.
Minggu, 26 Juli 2009
Now Where's That Pot of Gold ?
After a total blowout weekend of one storm after another I had had enough. Around 6:30 I decided to heck with it and went for a walk. Well what do you know?! The most beautiful thing happened. I looked up and saw a rainbow ! Ran back in the house to grab my camera and was able to get a few shots of it. My son says it's simply random forces of nature, but I think it's magic. Didn't find a pot of gold though.
Time for a movie. Tonight it's" Cell Block 2455, Death Row". Love these old black and white films with a message
Sabtu, 25 Juli 2009
Bee Venom Love
I am sure every mother feels their daughters are the best. I know I do, I thank GOD for my jewels. I am thankful that I lived to see myself in my girls; there was a time I did not think I would be around to see them grow up to be the beautiful women they are today. Having them in my life has made it easier to live with this ugly disease called multiple sclerosis.

Everyday is a struggle getting up; everyday is different from the next. During the past two weeks, it took every ounce of energy I had to go on with my day against the pounding punches of PAIN. Many days I wanted to relieve myself from this excruciating pain by putting on a morphine patch.
I wanted it so bad, but I refused to give in because I NEVER want to experience this again. I cannot hide anything from my daughters; they seem to know when I am having a hard time with multiple sclerosis. I opened my email one day and received the following from one of my daughters:
Mom I saw that honeybee venom is a therapy that treats MS pain. I saw this on "Radical Hollywood Remedies" last night and did some research and found this link about it. On the special, it says the honeybee therapy cost $75 a session. I suggest you try this and I will pay for your first session. I suggest this because I truly believe you should try natural remedies to lure yourself off the drugs. It doesn't hurt to try natural procedures since God put them on earth for us to use to heal our bodies to live a longer healthier life. Everyone please let me know all your thoughts on this.
Then there was this reply email from another daughter:
I think it's an absolutely wonderful idea! I'll try it with you!
I appreciate my daughters looking out for me and wanting to pay for me to have some bee venom because of their love for me, I do not know if I can do this. I am paranoid about trying something new. I know I do not want to go back to wearing morphine patches again and my doctors do not want to prescribe Lortab like they use to...thanks to all the accidental overdosing in the entertainment industry.
I survived this many years living with pain, with God’s help, I will make it some more years. However, I am open to natural pain resources; I am not saying I will never try bee venom as a natural pain remedy. I am old school and I have to get over my paranoia trying new drugs or natural remedies…blame it on my Daddy I get it from him :-)
Kamis, 23 Juli 2009
Yes America ! I Like My Healthcare
Here's an interesting poll I found at a U.S. news website .
I just have one thing to say to all you Senators, who are trying to scare people with horror stories of the Canadian health care system. How many Americans die because they have no access to health care? How many suffer for the same reason? How many wait and wait? Go bankrupt ?
OK, that's four things and questions, not answers, so I will say this to you: I am very happy with my health care, Thank You very much, I don't care for your system, even Obama's proposed new improved one. If I had to pay for all the services I have used in the past five years( most of it good and waiting times were reasonable) I would either be bankrupt or dead.
Oh Yes ! Let's not let the government get in the way of your health care choices. The insurance companies do it so much better.
I just have one thing to say to all you Senators, who are trying to scare people with horror stories of the Canadian health care system. How many Americans die because they have no access to health care? How many suffer for the same reason? How many wait and wait? Go bankrupt ?
OK, that's four things and questions, not answers, so I will say this to you: I am very happy with my health care, Thank You very much, I don't care for your system, even Obama's proposed new improved one. If I had to pay for all the services I have used in the past five years( most of it good and waiting times were reasonable) I would either be bankrupt or dead.
Oh Yes ! Let's not let the government get in the way of your health care choices. The insurance companies do it so much better.
Rabu, 22 Juli 2009
Bunch of Little Things
We are having very odd weather for July. It's been cool and rainy this week so far, more like April.
Have to say I'm feeling like crap. I know I don't have big challenges like some people, who have to deal with being wheelchair or bed bound. For me it's a bunch of little things and when those little things pile up, it sucks.
If I could have one wish come true it would be to be able to go to bed, fall asleep, and stay asleep through the night. I'm not greedy, I'd settle for six hours straight. No wonder I'm so darn tired. How can I have energy with these fragmented sleep patterns night after night. I go to bed and the burning and tingling in my feet keep me awake. The crazy, high pitched, whooshing, in my ears drives me nuts . Pains that move around, come and go, disappear, and come back randomly. And headaches coming on more often , stronger, and last longer.
No none of it a big deal individually, but lumped together, well I just start crying because I get so fed up.
I'm also sick to death of being treated either like a delicate flower or mental defective . Worse, the ones who tell me how strong and brave I am. No I'm not, but I like having a roof over my head, good food to eat, and a clean bed to sleep in, so I get up and do my thing. Not as good as I use to, but good enough to get me through the day.
I found a "handy man" who's going to come over and do all those little annoying jobs that need to get done around here. He was recommended by a friend . Hope he works out I've had so many incompetents who have made things worse around here. I rather pay somebody than put up with the good Samaritans. Oh am I crabby today or what ?
Have to say I'm feeling like crap. I know I don't have big challenges like some people, who have to deal with being wheelchair or bed bound. For me it's a bunch of little things and when those little things pile up, it sucks.
If I could have one wish come true it would be to be able to go to bed, fall asleep, and stay asleep through the night. I'm not greedy, I'd settle for six hours straight. No wonder I'm so darn tired. How can I have energy with these fragmented sleep patterns night after night. I go to bed and the burning and tingling in my feet keep me awake. The crazy, high pitched, whooshing, in my ears drives me nuts . Pains that move around, come and go, disappear, and come back randomly. And headaches coming on more often , stronger, and last longer.
No none of it a big deal individually, but lumped together, well I just start crying because I get so fed up.
I'm also sick to death of being treated either like a delicate flower or mental defective . Worse, the ones who tell me how strong and brave I am. No I'm not, but I like having a roof over my head, good food to eat, and a clean bed to sleep in, so I get up and do my thing. Not as good as I use to, but good enough to get me through the day.
I found a "handy man" who's going to come over and do all those little annoying jobs that need to get done around here. He was recommended by a friend . Hope he works out I've had so many incompetents who have made things worse around here. I rather pay somebody than put up with the good Samaritans. Oh am I crabby today or what ?
Senin, 20 Juli 2009
Wanted to update my blog, but after reading about the "Top Ten Medieval Torture Devices" I am sick. A few years ago I saw an exhibit at the Menonite church" 500 years of Persecution". which left me shaken for days. Are we really that awful, or have we improved ?
Jumat, 17 Juli 2009
Kamis, 16 Juli 2009
Falcon Walk
Hey! Look what I saw on my walk this evening , a Peregrine Falcon. One of the youngsters that was born this past spring at the nest on the roof of the Sheraton Hotel. I thought they were gone for the season, so it was nice to see they are still hanging around.It's getting hot and muggy out there. By the time I got home from walking I felt like somebody was crushing my head. And Oh! I forgot how tired the heat makes me feel.
Had some rotten news at work this week. I will treat it for what it is , a rumour, and that's all. Why are people so mean, that they would tell me something they know would upset me ?
I really don't need things to start going badly again at work, after such a brief interlude of peace. Things have been going so well that I have already accumulated a week of paid sick time.How silly I was to think my last few years of work would be easy. It's Hell.The way people act I'm amazed we have made it this far as a species . Will we last longer that the dinosaurs ?
Senin, 13 Juli 2009
Many Long Walks
Here I am having a short break during today's trail walk. Happy to be able to get some long walks in these past few days, at least two hours each. The weather has been very mild and there's always a soft cool breeze when I go out in the early evening. Came across a deer yesterday. Poor thing looks so thin. I think it was around the same time last year we saw a deer on a different trail. Have to review past blogging to find that photo and post.
Not much else happening. Been having sleep problems due to tingling and that crazy feeling in my legs that an electric current is running through them. Never feel that during the day.
Tomorrow I have to show up at the office for training and again on Wednesday to meet another new boss. Let's see now that will be number six in two years. He's from another office so not part of the established clique. Maybe that will be a good thing.
Keeping my fingers crossed that this lovely weather will continue for awhile.
Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009
July Art Crawl
Here is Scott Webster, construction worker by day, artist by, well anytime he's not working. Artistic and handy with tools. Now where has this man been all my life ?
You can see above, the ink drawing I bought from him . It really looks much better than this photo. It's a scene from a movie but he couldn't remember the name and I don't recognize it,
Look familiar to anybody out there ? I bought it because for some reason it reminds me of Mexican Day of the Dead.
Here's the new Canada Post box with a postal code montage. It's suppose to discourage graffiti.We'll just have to wait and see. I had to clear a pile of litter off the top of it before taking a picture. Why are people such slobs ?
Jumat, 10 Juli 2009
July to July
Sitting here today thinking back to last year I can say that things are much better now. Not perfectly smooth sailing, life never is that way, at least not for me. It was last July that I started getting seriously harassed at work , and for months it was pure hell. I can't help but think what a terrible waste it was. The endless meetings ,the tiresome repetitive excuses , the stone walling. For what purpose ? To totally humiliate and demoralize a person, instead of allowing them to be productive ?
Employers , working with your employees benefits you as much as them. It also benefits the bottom line you claim to care so much about.
Going to the Art Crawl again this evening Hope to get some good pictures.
Employers , working with your employees benefits you as much as them. It also benefits the bottom line you claim to care so much about.
Going to the Art Crawl again this evening Hope to get some good pictures.
Rabu, 08 Juli 2009
Rollercoaster Day

I should be use to it, but how can you get use to not knowing what MS symptom you will experience from minute to minute, day to day. Today is one of those days, I had hope the MS roller coaster ride I felt my body taking would not last the entire day. So much for hoping, it has been getting worse as I type my woes. A new day is approaching maybe it will be better than today.
I am home alone and I have been tempted to call one of my daughters, instead I do what I always do to take my mind off how I feel. I go and visit the many blogs I like to read. I post comments regularly on some of my fellow MS’ers blogs. You can count on one had how many times I ranted in the four years I have been a blogger.
Today I did something out of character. I know I can rant on my fellow MS’ers blog, but today I ranted about trolls taking over one of my favorite blogs that is not someone who lives with MS. What the blogosphere do not know about us MS blogger we blog about current issues or whatever the heck is on our minds. Unfortunately, my rant was not on that blog it was on another blog I like that is not troll infested.
What I did not expect was someone taking it personally.
As I thought about, I think some people look for any reason to get pissed off. I do not engage in cyberspace arguing, what is the point of that. We all have a right to our opinions, I read many opinions I do not agree with, but I am not going to beat you over the head to drive my point of view home. There is a difference in toll engagement and engagement for understanding.

Trolls take over blogs when they should get there on damn blog since they have so much to say and provoke a response to practically every damn comment. Trolls intent is to engage that is why I do not freaking engage trolls. I was hoping the trolls that invaded my favorite blog find another home. Hell, they are starting to multiply. The main troll now has a following that is taking over the comment section from the regular people who comments that I enjoy reading.
I do know this I WILL NOT allow the trolls that invaded my favorite blog to run me off from reading it. Now that the troll followers are commenting with their leader and amongst themselves, should not be long before they will highjack another blog or go back to their leader blog.
Selasa, 07 Juli 2009
Finally At PEACE

Michael Jackson Memorial Service was BEAUTIFUL. I remember that day in 1969 when the world saw Michael Jackson and his brothers on the Ed Sullivan Show. I grew up to the music of a genius and in my eyes as a Black American, HE DID bust down doors that were closed to us.
I enjoyed the entire Memorial, but there were three highlights for me that reflected Michael Jackson and how he should be remember. Maya Angelou poem written for Michael that Queen Latifah read, eulogy by Rev. Al Sharpton, and the eulogy by Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee
I know this is too much to ask for, but I hope the mainstream media put a STOP to dragging his name in negative talk. If they must keep talking, talk about his talent, and humanitarian deeds. We all live in glass houses, unfortunately, a super star as Michael Jackson always had someone throwing rocks to shatter his glass house for financial gain.
He never had a normal life. He could not enjoy a stroll in the park, shop with his family in a mall, take in a movie, and go to a grocery store…you get the point, without being stalked or harassed. He was a prisoner who had to create his own NEVERLAND to have some sort of normalcy in life.
Michael Jackson completed his purpose God gifted him to do and now he is at home…
Minggu, 05 Juli 2009
Funding For Community Health Care Centers

On June 29, 2009 First Lady Michelle Obama announced the release of $851 million in grants to address immediate and pressing health center facility and equipment needs and increase access to health care for millions of Americans
"Community Health Centers provide care to the Americans who need it most and their work has never been more important," said Obama. "These grants will help Unity’s Upper Cardozo and thousands of centers across the country expand and serve more Americans who simply can’t afford insurance coverage anymore. ."
To find a Community Health Center in your state click here
Send A Postcard Save A Life
Here is a project by a fellow Postcrossing member Trupti .
"A postcard challenge to receive one postcard from every country in the world. For each postcard I receive, I will donate $5 to my favorite charity, Nothing But Nets which distributes mosquito nets to prevent malaria transmission in Africa. Each family in need receives one mosquito net which costs only $10.
263 territories of the world. 263 postcards. $1180. 118 mosquito nets. 118 families saved."
Even if she has a postcard from your country, it wouldn't hurt to send another and it's for a good cause. I'll post a link to this site on my sidebar as soon as Blogger decides to cooperate
Here's the link if you are interested
"A postcard challenge to receive one postcard from every country in the world. For each postcard I receive, I will donate $5 to my favorite charity, Nothing But Nets which distributes mosquito nets to prevent malaria transmission in Africa. Each family in need receives one mosquito net which costs only $10.
263 territories of the world. 263 postcards. $1180. 118 mosquito nets. 118 families saved."
Even if she has a postcard from your country, it wouldn't hurt to send another and it's for a good cause. I'll post a link to this site on my sidebar as soon as Blogger decides to cooperate
Here's the link if you are interested
MS Never Takes A Holiday
Here's a side trip I took on June 24th while I was on vacation . Lincoln New Mexico, is where Billy the Kid escaped from jail after killing two deputies . Later he would be shot and killed by Pat Garret. The lady at the post office was nice enough to let me use their bathroom, as I was having one of my "spells". Otherwise the trip was relatively pain free, except for the predictable nonsense at the airports . I don't know, but it seems to me if you are having financial problems you might try a little harder to provide good service .
I don't have any other photos I can use on here .My friends aren't too keen to be on a blog and all the shots with me in them look terrible.
Right now I am still recovering with typical, "vacation from my vacation" syndrome.
Lately I have had breathing problems. Nothing serious, just this feeling like the air isn't going in the way it should and when exhaling my lungs aren't emptying out. I don't feel out of breathe and am still able to do everything . It's been happening on and off for a couple of months. I'm not in the mood to tell the doctor as that will mean more tests and/or a prescription for a drug I won't take anyway. Difficult patient that I am. Now why can't I be a good girl and let them bombard me with drugs ? Why must I always question everything and always be skeptical ?
Regardless. I did have a good trip and it was nice to see my friend that I miss so much.
Jumat, 03 Juli 2009
Rabu, 01 Juli 2009
Canada Day 2009

It's Canada's 142nd birthday. I can't take credit for this photo. I found it here
I wanted something a little different and this picture reminds me of the lifeguard house at the eastern beach on Lake Ontario in Toronto. A place I spent so many summers as a kid. Back when you could swim and not worry about pollution warnings. Oh, does that ever age me !
Amazing days, when kids could take off to the beach, without adult supervision. Then they built the swimming pool and we went back and forth from the pool to the beach all day, no adults, except the lifeguards, who were mostly university students. I use to come home with some whopper sunburns. One so bad that I still have a white patch of scar tissue on the back of my neck from it.
I know I would never had allowed my ten year old to wander about like that with a five year old sibling in tow. And he would have been wearing a ton of sunblock, a hat, and sunglasses. Well those were different times .When people believed sun was good for you ( making a comeback ?) and you could trust people. It would never have occurred to my mother that somebody would abduct us, yet we were under strict orders to never, ever, speak to strangers.
Growing up some people admire police, others firefighters . Me, it use to be lifeguards. They were role models and I thought them to be the coolest people on earth. They use to sit up in their towers yelling out from mega phones "no running","walk, I said WALK !"
" CAN YOU HEAR ?"" I SAID WALK!!!" Then there were the guards who patrolled the pool edge making sure there was no pushing , no gum chewing, checking to see if you had a shower after using the bathroom and making sure you weren't bringing in any contraband, like food .
Any infractions and you got a warning. If you disobeyed it was a time out, or worse, expulsion. Everybody obeyed the rules, because getting kicked out would ruin the day. No place else to go except the park, which was too hot, or worse still, home ! Home meant having to "help around the house, since you have nothing else to do".
On the beach you had not only the lifeguards in even higher towers, their were ones in row boats who would go back and forth patrolling the various clusters of people swimming in the lake. The guard house was further east That's where they would check in . I use to think it a sweet job. That is until I saw them have to rescue drowning people and realized it really was a serious occupation. Never did become a lifeguard, although I did keep swimming. Still do.
Not much going on today except a barbecue later on . I still feel pretty crummy.
Everybody have great holiday !
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