Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009


Is it really the end of August? The summer sure is going fast and the days are already getting noticeably shorter. An article on the Weather Network site says we only had 3 days this summer that went over 30C, 70 hours less sun, and more rain to date than all of last summer. I'm not complaining. Cooler temperatures and less sun allowed me to enjoy the outdoors without the "strangeness", meaning far less MS symptoms. For example, yesterday I went to the Winona Peach Festival. It was overcast and threaten rain all day, yet I didn't mind. I had a good time even with killer hot flashes If it had been hot and sunny, no way would I have been able to even think of going.

Forgot to bring my camera, but you can check it out here

One thing I really liked was the food. Not that it was a big deal or anything Typical fare : hotdogs, corn on the cob, chunky fries, peach sundaes (yummy!), cotton candy, popcorn, etc. What made it good was the fact that there was no corporate food . All the booths were run by local community groups for fund raising, so it was kind of nice to know that I was supporting the Salt Fleet Boy's Hockey Club, and not Mc You Know Who.

And Oh the peaches ! The most beautiful looking, big juicy peaches. I bought a basket to take home, even though I had just bought some at the Farmer's Market.
It's going to be a peachy week. Maybe I won't even notice that September has arrived

Tomorrow,I have a guy coming to look at my hot water tank. No hot water all day today.

I also have another guy coming to give me an estimate on new windows. That should be interesting (read expensive) OK maybe they will be Gals, not that it will make it any cheaper.

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