Senin, 14 September 2009

MS and Smoking

Browsing through a community newspaper I picked up at the art crawl last Friday
"The Voice in Diaspora" I came across an article on MS and smoking. The article cites a study published in Neurology that shows a link between cigarette smoking and MS. Briefly, that smoking increases the severity of MS symptoms and smokers are more likely to develop primary progressive MS. The good news is those who quit smoking can siginificantly reduce their symptoms.

This is something I was not aware of, although no good has ever come from smoking so
I'm not surprised. At least I can say I have never smoked tobacco, not even a puff of a cigarette. Yes,I do use weed, but I don't smoke it. I only breathe in the vapour which has no smoke. The plant matter is intact when I'm done.

What a crazy hypocritical world. Tobacco is legal even though it's implicated as the culprit in so many illnesses and marijuana is illegal(Yes it still is in Canada) and been shown time and time again to have benefits for those who are ill. You can walk into a convenience store and buy a pack of smokes that can kill you but if you want dope it's a big "medical marijuana" production.

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