Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

The Protein Diet

For about ten days now I have been on a protein diet. I just wasn't able to stay on a regular diet, so I thought I would give this a try for just a few weeks. Yeah I know it's not supposed to be good for you, bad for the kidneys and all that. Well I did my research and it's only bad if you already have a kidney ailment or heart condition. I'm doing the modified diet that includes vegetables and salads with a maximum of 100 grams of carbs per day.

So far the results are good. I have no cravings, no hunger pangs, and unlike other diets, I don't spend my day thinking about food. It's been fairly easy to follow, although I have to say it's not something I could do for a long time. I love pasta and sweets  too much to give them up forever!!

Yeah I know a moderate diet and exercise are the right way to go These days that regime isn't working for me and I am packing on the pounds.  My clothes are so tight and I refuse to go out and buy new stuff in a bigger size. This week I was able to get into a pair of shorts and do them up easily; couldn't last week. 

OK, so I will most likely  gain all the weight back, but that happens with every diet.

One unexpected side benefit: My teeth feel so clean!! 

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