Rabu, 13 Juli 2011

Audelin Chappuis

French culture has always been associated with aristocracy, grace, beauty and the world’s greatest artists. There is no country like France as far as art is concerned.
It‘s an honour to introduce you the representative of this fabulous country - a person who knows a lot about an art - French cultural attaché Audelin Chappuis.

Where are you originally from?
I was born in Versailles and moved to Paris when I was 15.

Audelin Chappuis
Why Lithuania?  Did you get to choose? How much time have you spent in this country already?
Iit was a choice. Lithuania integrated EU and I was interested in this country that moved from one union to another so quickly : less than 15 years!
In August it will be 3 years that I am here. After that one more year remains.

How different are Lithuanians from French people? What major differences did you notice?
The more you live in the country, the more you understand that there is no typical French or typical Lithuanian. But I would say that French and Lithuanian people should know each other better. It’s a challenge!
In Lithuania people are very respectful everywhere: in shops, restaurants, public transport. They also express themselves freely.

I heard during the meeting at French Embassy that you collaborate with artists.
The essence of my job is promoting French culture. So collaboration with artists is a must. At the beginning I used to work more with French artists, but now more and more I work on collaboration between French and Lithuanian artists: caring out projects together. Like I said, French and Lithuanian people have to know each other better. Achieving this objective through various artistic projects is my job and I am very excited about it.

What about your creative side? Any hidden talents that you are proud of?
I‘m not sure. I can play piano, but I‘m not an artist.
Nevertheless I need art. I enjoy it.  I like visual art, literature.

What do you like to read?
I can not single out any genre or country. I like literature from all over the world.
Usually I don‘t have much time to read, but if I want a good book, I ask my friends for advice. Some of them are avid readers. They read a lot of books. I prefer to get recommendations from them before I pick a book.

What are your favourite cultural places, subjects, topics in Lithuania?
There are so many amazing places! The National Gallery, The Centre of Contemporary Art, Philharmonic, Opera House, cinemas Pasaka and Skalvija. Also the Academy of Arts. It‘s so nice - you feel excitement and creativity in the air no matter when you come there. In Kaunas I like Zilinskas Gallery, in Klaipėda I enjoy The Art Exhibition Hall. It doesn’t matter whether it is a little gallery or a big establishment, the most important thing is that you feel good there.

What is your favorite pastime?
Hunting with hounds or the big-game hunting experience without shooting animal. Its a great outdoor sport.  You get to use dogs and horses to follow an animal and cornet it, but no shooting!

How often you go back to France? Not very often. Four times a year maximum. I go twice between September and March because of the hunting. Also once during summer.

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