It was wonderful to enjoy my better half birthday this year feeling no fatigue, tingles, spasticity, and pain. This was the first year in a long time I was able to enjoy an entire weekend free from those bothersome symptoms. Spasticity is returning in my legs, but I am still happy because I had a symptom free weekend and this is a perfect time to take a Tizanidine tablet before it gets to bad.

Remember the brother I was afraid for, look at him now. He is off the hard drugs and the streets. I had the best weekend with him. We caught up on friends we grew up with and talked about the ones who died or been killed. I told him it was good to have him back, but his brain has been fried because he argued I was older than he was…he did not believe me until I showed him my birth certificate. I never talked about my other brother (in black), but he is the one he had two open-heart surgeries before the age of 40. I received one of those 3 o’clock am calls when he had to have an emergency second heart surgery. My husband droved as fast as he could from Tennessee to Missouri because it was highly likely he would not survive through surgery. They literally had to remove his heart and he has the biggest heart in the world. We made it to the hospital as he was getting out of surgery. The mental picture of seeing him hooked to all those machines still give me nightmares because I was going to loose my big brother.

God is good because my brother survived to see his talented sons make it to manhood and witness their dreams come true. My oldest nephew graduated today with a degree in Mass Communication and he received the phone call he wanted to hear his entire life today. The Buffalo Bills signed him as a free agent for their team, now he has the opportunity to show his talent and skills to a pro league. Where has the years gone, it seems like just yesterday when I use to see him play in the football pee wee leagues. When I watch him, play in college I prayed this day would come for him because he has been dedicated to football since the age of six.
His brother is just as talented, he love football as much as his brother, but he also has talent in wrestling and baseball. I asked him this weekend which sport he plan to pursue professional and he announced he wants to play professional baseball. I have no doubt he will achieve his dream because I have witness the dedication he and his brother displayed in their sport and books.
I could not be happier because I had a wonderful weekend with some of my favorite men and knowing prayers are answered.
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