We dread the thought of this day, but because of her age, he knew God would be calling her home one day in the near future. Regardless of how we try to prepare ourselves for the day, the lost, hurt, and pain is devastating. Every week he would call, every summer and Christmas break we would go visit. It has been two days prior to the dreaded phone call, he talked and laughed with Moma Nora, we were scheduled to leave July 11, for our annual visit.
Sadly, we received a call June 30 that Moma Nora suffered a massive stroke. We arrived in Texas July 1 and the prognosis was not good. She quietly took her last breath on Friday July 11, 2008. When the priest delivered her last rites I felt her become peaceful, the loud strangling sound of the death rattle that engulfed the room become softer. Peacefulness of acceptance entered the room and we all said our goodbyes.
Moma Nora was a devote Catholic with a beautiful spirit and a loving heart. She enriched this earth with sons’ women dream of having as husbands. I am blessed to be married to one of the fine men she nurtured into manhood. It saddens me to witness the hurt and pain I see in my husband beautiful hazel eyes. With a kiss on the forehead while I stroke her silky hair for the last time, I told her “I LOVE YOU, We will miss you, and I promise to take care of your son. Thank you for loving me as one of your daughters.”

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