Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

Work, a Few Flowers, and Climate Change

Here's a few of my day lilies , roses, and cone flower buds, along with my neighbour's more civilized front garden. Mine is getting that jungle look again, which I will try to subdue this weekend.

After all the whining about my work situation I finally have some good news. Turns out that I qualify for a disability payment that would allow me to continue working part time and still receive about 80% of my earnings. It won't happen over night, still lots of forms and bureaucratic nonsense to get through, including nagging management to do their bit. At least I can enjoy the rest of my time off and know that something is in the works. Now maybe I'll be able to hang in there longer and get a real pension, instead of the half one I would get if I quit.
Yes, after that bizzarre conversation with my manager, I was seriouly considering it.

Not going out celebrating just yet, because these things have a way of unraveling. Stay tuned .

If you believe that climate change will have dire consequences, consider moving to Canada.

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