I feel tired all the time more so when I think of all I have to do such as housework, studying for class, preparing for meetings, etc. There are days I can stay in bed all day and not move unless I have to go to the bathroom. When I feel like that and do it, my mind does not let me rest because I am thinking about what I have on my plate to do.
I am one of those types of people that hate to be late or unprepared for anything. I would be in bed feeling guilty about not completing a task and possibly not being prepared for a meeting or test. At one time, I convinced myself that I was a procrastinator.
I complete my tasks and meet deadlines, therefore, I stopped feeling guilty when my body wants to rest. I stopped feeling guilty when I pace to do my housework and I cannot complete it all in one day. I stopped feeling guilty when I have days or weeks before a test or meeting to prepare, but wait close to the day of to start preparation. Pacing and resting when my body tells me is what matters and what is important.
It is not Procrastination It’s MS Fatigue...bite me!
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