Strange weather out there. Europe having huge snow storms and we a big melt. On the news this morning I saw London practically shut down, no buses, very little traffic.
Wiarton Willie has declared six more weeks of winter. Blah
It was a bit tricky for to walk around today, between the puddles and the ice.I did manage to get over to the old court house, which is now the downtown campus of Mc Master University
Took a few photos with my camera phone . Above you can see the statue of United Empire Loyalists. I'll have to go back when all the snow is gone to get a better shot.
Spoke to the doctor today about my hands, as the tingling is getting worse. He is sending me for another test similar to the EVP only I can't remember what he called it Guess I'll find out when I get the letter for the appointment time. I really didn't want to call him It makes me feel like a whining hypochondriac and if it wasn't for work I probably wouldn't . Everything needs to be documented.
Health Central sent me an email today about the take over of Wellsphere. I get the impression it will remain a as separate website. If that is so,I'm going to go back to it tomorrow and maybe link my blog again .
Don't think I'll be going to work tomorrow I'm a total wreck and I have awful soreness in my heels ! Have no idea why. I'll finish watching this Kung Fu movie which is a weird one tonight. Alcoholic Buddhist monks ? The dubbing is so bad I'm sure he isn't saying" We monks think nothing of this wine. We call it rice nugget tea " as he takes a huge gulp.
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